On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 89 – The Impacts of Inflation & Taxes on Retirement

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Video Transcript

Brian Quaranta 00:22

Welcome to On the Money with Secure Money. I’m your host, Brian Quaranta. And I’m in studio today with my good friend, Rob Hurtig. What a lot you don’t know is my good friend Rob Hurtig here is a consultant with lots of financial planners all over the country. Absolutely. You have a heck of a vantage point in getting to see what’s happening around the country. It’s and it’s, it’s a little bit scary right now with inflation. And I’ve got to ask with you working in so many different markets across the country and working with so many different planners. What is being addressed with inflation right now? And kind of what’s going on?


Rob 00:53

Yeah, well, first, it’s a pleasure to be here. Thank you very much for having me. It’s always fun to sit down and talk with you. I know that you’re passionate about the game here and in your craft and helping people retire the way they want to retire. I know it’s really important to you. You know, from my vantage point, and man, you know, me, I’m not a doom and gloom guy. I’m a positive guy, right? I’m not a head in the sand guy I focus on what can be achieved. And the scary thing to me is that people are putting their heads in the sand when it comes to when it comes to inflation and planning for retirement. And, you know, just the whole ball of wax. It’s out of sight out of mind. And to me, that’s, that’s terrifying.


Brian Quaranta 01:27

Do you think they have their head in the sand right now? Because they’ve lost money? Because they don’t want to deal with it. They what is it? Why are people not willing to address it?


Rob 01:37

I think it’s a combination of quite a few things. But you know, you look at a 12-year bull market run. Yeah, you know, that kind of lulls you to sleep a little bit right, you guys? False sense of confidence. And we’re talking about inflation. So, let’s talk about inflation. The 100-year inflation average is about 3.23%. Yeah, so it’s been so far, the 10-year average is about 2.1%. So, let’s really put this into perspective from a $1 standpoint. Yeah, at 2.1%. Inflation, if you need $100,000 A year in retirement, it takes 30 years for that to double to…


Brian Quaranta 02:11

So, you’re telling me if I need $30,000 right now, in 30 years, I’d need $60,00 at 2% inflation, right? Okay, got it.


Rob 02:15

At 3%, 3.2% inflation, which is 102-year average. It’s about every 25 years, so out of sight out of mind. And here’s why. Wait, how long does the average person live in retirement?


Brian Quaranta 02:26

Well, first off, most people can’t think about whether they can’t think past what they’re gonna have for dinner tonight, let alone 25 years that they’re going to need extra income,


Rob 02:33

Right? Yes. So, here’s the old average person was 18 to 20 years in retirement right now. So, it’s not even a double the whole right in their retirement it 2.3 Right, or 2.2, whatever it is. Now, we ran it also 8.6, which was the national average. Okay, right now, it’s not anymore. It’s 9.1. Now, so we ran this, so it’s getting worse. What so I dumbed it down a little bit, just because I don’t want to do this case, right now, you know, I try to be realistic about this stuff. But I do think it’s worse than 8.6%. And when we run it at 8.6%, your income needs doubles every eight years. So that’s about three times in retirement. So, if you need $100,000 a year now, it becomes 200 by year eight, and by year 16. It is $400,000. A year, where are you? Where’s that coming from?


Brian Quaranta 03:13

Well, and most people will spend 20 to 30 years in retirement. So, this is a lot of doubling that could happen if inflation stayed at this. And we were talking about this a little bit earlier this morning, where everybody’s inflation rates a little bit different too. Because I mean, I have clients that enjoy just staying home taking care of the garden, right? They watch the grandkids. Yeah, but then I have clients that are flying around the country, flying around the world, going on cruises, going out to dinner, spending time with their grandkids, right. their grandkids are in different parts of the country. Yeah, right. Their inflation rate is has got to be different, because travel’s up, what 40%?


Rob 03:49

35 to 40%, kind of depending on who you’re talking to, then fuel is up. Oh, 100% 100% fuel? It’s, yeah, it’s the same. So, somebody that’s very active in retirement could have a completely different inflation rate than the average. I think you make a great point. Because what do you say about returns? You said the market doesn’t return in what? An average right? So, we’re talking about returns, it doesn’t return an average, that means it’s not going to hit everybody equally? Right? Yeah. It’s not gonna hit the same way all the time, right? Yep. Why do we look at inflation in averages? Because if you have a different lifestyle than somebody else, I would venture to guess inflation is a much higher rate for you.


Brian Quaranta 04:22

Yeah. And you make a good point about averages. And this is where the math lies, Wall Street math lies, you know, folks, you don’t realize this, but it’s not inflation. But just if you look at math, in general, let’s say you had a million dollars and you lost, you know, let’s say 50%, and you go to 500,000. And next year, you gain 50%, you’re only going back to 750,000. That’s still a 25% loss. Let’s say the next year after that, you get an additional 30%. You’re not even back to even yet, so you have a three-year return of zero. But if you look at the averages, Wall Street will tell you still average a reasonable rate of return of about 10% Right? Isn’t that Isn’t that insane? It’s crazy. That’s amazing. To me that they are able to do that and project those numbers like that.


Rob 05:03

You want to look at a little more math. Go ahead. Okay. Look at your 100 year average. Right? Yeah. 3.2%. Right, 3.23. Okay, sustainable, right? Yep. 3.2? Because what’s that? What’s the seven-year average return to the S&P? About nine, right? Yep. So, if we take the 3.2% inflation, and we factor in the systematic withdrawal approach, right, where we’re taking the 4% rule, it’s also called the 4% rule. We’re taking an additional 4% withdrawals out per year to live off of right. When we have a total of 7% per year. Yeah, that’s sustainable. Okay. Now back at that 3.4% Average rate of return. Yeah, or average inflation rate, right? And plugged back end at 8.6? Yeah, yeah, you’ve got a problem. We’ve got a problem, right? And nobody’s talking about it, and firms aren’t talking about it. How many people do you come in and say, hey, yeah, my, my big box firm, they call me and told me I should come in and talk to him. Because inflation and because of inflation is impacted my plan? How many of those do you have?


Brian Quaranta 05:46

Your we don’t see it, never not getting those phone calls? You know, here’s what owners and most of these big box firms have figured out plans around three or 4% inflation and they’re not reviewing it, right? You know, and of course, when people are losing money, all they’re doing is telling them, don’t worry about it hang in there, you’re in it for the long haul. It’s just a paper loss. And I think the big box firms really are disconnected from what’s really happened in retirement because they focus on an investment strategy, right, that’s designed to accumulate and grow the money. Yeah, but what retirees need is actually a distribution of income they do, right? It’s about you climb the mountain, but then how are you going to get down the mountain, right? You know, and you need a guide to get down the mountain. And this is what secure money advisors has always been really good at and what we’re passionate about. But there’s not many of us out there. You work with some of the best advisors across the country that focus solely on distribution. And that’s a different strategy than actually growing the money. It’s a different area of expertise, building income, protecting yourself from inflation, right, making sure that your lifestyle is protected, is different than just growing a pot of money because you have time, right? When in retirement, you don’t have time.


Rob 06:59

So, you think about what we asked a little bit ago, why are these other firms not talking about either they don’t do it, right? Or they’re worried about losing income, right? Because they’re they get paid, the more money you have with him under management, the more they get paid. So, they don’t want that leading, going into other instruments that are going to help you survive retirement, right. Like


Brian Quaranta 07:15

if they’ve taken money out of managed accounts and go into something that generates cash flow. Exactly. cannibalize their fees. Exactly. They don’t wanna take a pay cut. So right, right. Isn’t that fascinating? To me? It’s interesting. Well, it is interesting, because that’s not that’s not helping people from a consulting standpoint, solve problems, folks, we’re talking about inflation. And there’s a few ways that you can solve this problem, you could get a part time job, you could go back to work, but the better thing to do is actually get a review and tests stress test your portfolio for inflation. If you call right now, call 1-888-382-1298. Our team is standing by to schedule you for a complimentary retirement Readiness Review and inflation report. Take advantage of this right now. This is not the time to kick the can down the road and procrastinate again, call 1-888-382-1298 and schedule your complimentary retirement Readiness Review and get your inflation report today or scan the QR code at the bottom of the screen and schedule. Thanks for watching.


Announcer 08:14

Call 888-382-1298 for your Retirement Readiness Review. With inflation report. inflation continues to hit all time highs. While your investments provide you with income you need in retirement. Are you losing purchasing power of your savings? Don’t let runaway inflation erode your retirement dreams. Now’s the time to act to be certain you have an income strategy that overcomes the effects of inflation. Call Brian and his team at 888-382-1298. For your no cost retirement readiness review with inflation report. You might have the savings you need today to weather the storm. But how will inflation affect your nest eggs 510 15 years from now? Discover the peace of mind you deserve? Call Brian and his team 888-382-1298 for your no cost retirement readiness review with inflation report or use the QR code to schedule your appointment today.


Brian Quaranta 09:14

Welcome to on the money with secure money. I’m your host, Brian Quaranta. And in studio today with me is my good friend Rob Hurtig. Rob, how are you today?


Rob 09:22

And I always love being here. I’m doing great.


Brian Quaranta 09:24

Well, you know, for those of you that don’t know, Rob is actually a consultant with hundreds of advisors all over the country. And you know, you’ve worked with our firm on many things. Yeah, you know, you get to see all over the country kind of what’s going on and how things are being solved. And I think one of the biggest things we’re dealing with right now is risk where stocks start to the stock market what 40 years right bond market worst start to the bond market in 30, is that right?


Rob 09:49

So, 30 and since the Great Depression yet so uh, well, I mean, these are dry 30 years and the Great Depression addressing Yeah, and to clarify, I work with independent firms. I work with firms like yours that aren’t beholden anybody that Yeah, that are completely independent and can make recommendations that are the best suited for the client, not the best suited for the firm, but the best suited for the client. So, you’re correct. I did feel like I needed to…


Brian Quaranta 10:08

You know, I tell you, I really don’t think people really understand how to define risk. I mean, you know, its secure money advisors, we define risk, it’s very simple. If it can go up in value, or down in value, it’s risky right, period. And the reason I say that is because you can look at positions right now bond positions that are typically used, right, as safer positions, right? You got a 20-year, treasury bond ETF right now sounds safe, sounds safe, triple A rated right down over 20%. On the year, it’s insane. Well, here’s where it gets even worse, because it’s only yielding a little over 1%. So, your yield is a little over 1%. And you’ve just lost over 20%. Right. So, this is the type of things that people are dealing with right now where they’re taking losses, right before retirement or in retirement, when they really can’t afford to take a


Rob 11:01

loss. And maybe those losses are bigger and deeper than they thought they were going to be because their definition of risk didn’t align with what their financial advisors did, right? Yeah, it really does matter where you came from where you get your teeth in this business, your definition of risk is totally based on that.


Brian Quaranta 11:15

Well, I can relate to that. Because you go back to you know, 20 years ago, even while probably going on 23 years ago now. When I first got into business, I was working for the big box firms I looked at I looked at risk differently 23 years ago than I do today, right? Because I was taught differently. And what I didn’t realize is that when you’re focused on helping somebody retire, the strategies and techniques that you use to help them grow their money are not the same strategies and techniques you use to help them retire, the game changes completely. There’s different specializations, right, it’s different specializations. And for the last, you know, 16-17 years of my career, all we’ve done is focused on retirement planning, where the number one priority is to protect the retirement lifestyle, right. And I see so many people today that come into our office that are not protecting the retirement lifestyle first, once they protect a retirement lifestyle, they could certainly take as much risk as they want with the money that they can afford to take risk with that so many people are taking risk with money they can’t afford to lose.


Rob 12:11

It’s amazing. This even concept of being different types of financial advisors that have different expertise, yeah, that it’s foreign to people. Because if you have a foot problem, go to the podiatrist, you don’t go to the general practitioner, right. But we do it with our money. Yeah, it’s really interesting. And not only that, we shouldn’t be demanding that our understanding of risk, and what’s, you know, what we have stand to lose? is the same, that we aligned perfectly with a financial advisor. Right, right. But it doesn’t happen, Brian?


Brian Quaranta 12:37

Yeah. You know, I’ve always said it’s, you know, it’s really easy for somebody else to tell you to risk their money, you know, or for you to say, you know, it’s okay to risk your money, especially if you get paid a commission to do it. Right. You know, or they have no consequences if it doesn’t work out. Right. And because it seems like the only answer that people get a lot from the big box firms if they lose money is don’t worry about it, hang in there. It’s just a paper loss, you know, you’re in it for the long haul, right? And I always think, gosh, if you’re retired, how much long haul Do you really have left? I mean, you know, as most people spend maybe 20 years in retirement on average, 18 years and retirement on average.


Rob 13:12

Hey, so you have a baby? Yeah. When it cries, what do you do? Put a pacifier in his mouth? Yeah, that’s, that’s what they’re doing. Those words are that’s a pacifier. Yeah, financial advisor, like, Oh, you’re managing the emotion, like put this in your mouth real quick. You know, let’s talk about the real problems that are associated with it. Let’s not pacify it. Let’s talk about it. And let’s fix it.


Brian Quaranta 13:30

Right. Yeah. And I think ultimately, I mean, you know, on the flip side of all of this, if you really think about it, there’s also a safe way to lose money to hire is because look at what’s happening with banks, right? Banks don’t want to really pay us to have our money with them anymore. Point one 0% For a checking account, maybe point two 0%. If you get a money market, by the way, if you just look at the dollars, you know, equate that the dollars on $100,000 at point one 0%. Right earning what, $100 a year in interest, you know, $100 a year in interest. But if inflation is at 9.9 Point, you’re losing $9,000.


Rob 14:12

Yeah, I think most checking savings accounts pay 10 basis points. So, you’re better Yeah, yeah. We’re losing money safely.


Brian Quaranta 14:18

Yeah, we’re losing money safely, especially when inflation is so high.


Rob 14:21

Right. So with the vantage point I have and working with so many offices across the country, I’ll share a quick story. And this is a real story. And this is not intended to scare people or maybe it is if it scares you in a meeting with somebody, then great, right? Yeah, but this really happened and I’m hearing these stories over and over again. I’ve got a firm I work with in the Midwest, and this firm had a prospect come in, and this prospect had lost 70% of their money seven zero percent right? These people were 70 years old. Okay, so they lost 70% at 70 years old. Okay. Yeah, these people came into the person I worked with Office in tears. Yeah, literally crying. Yeah. And he did a Riskalyze report on him right. And he found out their risk score’s about 24. Tell the audience what that means.


Brian Quaranta 15:00

Well, you know, that’s interesting that you bring that up, because most people don’t know how to quantify risk, right? You know, Wall Street has had people believing that there’s conservative, moderately conservative, aggressive, moderately aggressive, right? You fall into the bucket, you fall into this bucket, there’s a real mathematical risk, or that can be used, and it’s on a scale from one to 99. Right. So, the higher the risk, or 99 being the highest risk that you can possibly take, you’re going to be when we evaluate your portfolio, we plug in these data points that will actually give us a report back showing what that risk score is so 2004. So, but you take a quiz first, right? And the quiz says that, based on how you answered these questions, your risk score is a 24. Right? And what was their actual portfolio risk score?


Rob 15:46

They were in leveraged investments, their score was off the charts. I mean, it was 100. If there was 100. On this, it would be that would be 100. Yeah. And these people were seventy years old and lost 70% of the assets. So, if you have a million dollars, now you have 300,000, this gentleman had to go back to work. It’s 70 years old.


Brian Quaranta 16:04

You, you hear these stories, and what happens is people are losing money at the wrong times. Yeah. And they’re having to go back when they really don’t have the physical capability of going back to work. No more human capital. There’s no more human cap, right, who wants to go back to work at 7080 years old. And unfortunately, you know, you’re not going to run out of money in the first five years of retirement. Yeah, you’re going to run out of money in the years that you’re much older when you really, when you need it, and you really don’t have that human capital to go back to work or the want to go back to work. So, you know, folks, here’s what I want to share with you. If you’re listening and you have money in a 401 K or an IRA, you need to call and schedule your complimentary retirement readiness review right now, call 1-888-382-1298. And you’re also going to get a complimentary risk report so we can actually evaluate your risk score. Don’t kick the can down the road. Don’t procrastinate on this, this is really important call 1888382129 A, or scan the QR code at the bottom of the screen and schedule with us now. Thanks for watching.


Announcer 17:13

Call 888-382-1298 for your own complimentary retirement Readiness Review and Risk Report. Why take unnecessary risk when you don’t have to at 65 years old? Would you drive to the grocery store at 100 miles per hour? If 40 miles per hour would get you there safely? We’re nearing retirement. Are you still driving your investment accounts like you’re in your 30s? Or 40s? Have you changed your investment election since you first chose them in your retirement accounts at work? Call Brian and his team at 888-382-1298 for your own complimentary retirement Readiness Review and Risk Report. Do you know exactly how much risk you’re taking in your investment accounts. Now that you’ve accumulated a nest egg for retirement, you want to be certain the risk you’re taking in those investments matches your goals and objectives. Call Brian and his team 888-382-1298 For your own complimentary retirement Readiness Review and risk report or use the QR code below to begin scheduling your appointment, you may not have time to recover from taking too much risk.


Brian Quaranta 18:16

Welcome to on the money with secure money. I’m your host Brian Quaranta. And in studio with me today is my good friend Rob Hurtig, and consultant of many hundreds of X ray financial planners all over the country. And it’s really neat to have you in with us because you give us a perspective that we don’t really get all that often you get to see kind of what’s going on everywhere in the country, and how financial planning firms are really going about solving some of those major problems. And one of the most major problems we’re dealing with is taxation. Yeah. So, when it comes to taxes, why do you think most people just don’t have a tax plan?


Rob 18:53

What’s going on? Well, I think we’ve been conditioned to look at taxes in the rearview mirror. Yeah, look at how we file our tax returns on our income. Right. We’re doing it after the fact. Right. We’re making prep. We call it preparations aren’t preparations like a tax preparer. Yeah, preparations for something you’re getting ready to do. And that’s something you already did. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right, buddy. We’ve been conditioned to look at things backwards, right. And so we go into retirement, we look at taxation on our assets, we look at it from a completely different lens than we do with any other thing. Like think about this. When you went to college, right? You had a plan to get through your school, right? And once you accomplish that goal, you had other goals, right? And there was a plan of action. Why is it with taxes? We wing it?


Brian Quaranta 19:31

It’s that or we look backwards, right? We’re looking backwards, right? We’re saying what’s happened over the last year and let’s prepare that return, rather than saying, Hey, what’s going to be happening? Yeah, and how do we prepare and how do we avoid those obstacles that are about to come because they’re coming?


Rob 19:46

So, here’s the interesting thing. There’s a quote I think that that expresses this perfectly there was a federal judge, his name was Learned Hand okay. And he essentially said in America, there are two tax systems one for the form and formed the others for the uninformed, both are illegal. Well, you know what they’re counting on? Yeah, they are uninformed. That’s right. Yeah. So who are you going to be? Yeah, most people are the uninformed, and they don’t have to be. But they it’s not that they’re not smart people by it’s not that they’re dumb. Right. It’s that they’ve been conditioned to believe that this is the way to do it. Yeah.


Brian Quaranta 20:15

Yeah. Or they’re getting advice from the wrong people. Right, right. And most people don’t realize that one of the most people that we meet, their largest asset is some type of retirement plan, like a 401, K, a 403. B, an IRA account, right? These accounts have never been taxed before. They look at it like they happen, right. And what they don’t realize is that their largest shareholder in those accounts, is the IRS could a business partner, you have a business partner and imagine having a business partner that any day, they could wake up and say, You know what, I don’t feel like just getting 30% of your money anymore. I want 40% or 50%, or 60% of their money. And they can change the rules in the middle of the game right? Now. Listen, I have a three-year-old, he’s just learning how to start playing games. But if I change the rules on Maddox, in the middle of the game, he’s like, Dad, that’s not fair. Right? But yet, we deal with this with the government all the time with the with the tax code.


Rob 21:11

He would call you out. Nobody in the right mind would play this game, but we do every single day. Yeah, it’s a matter of being proactive versus being reactive. There’s a way to be proactive, but a lot of times, you know, we talked about what I do for a living on the intro. And, you know, it’s really cool to see, but it’s also really terrifying to see too, because, you know, I’m, I’m part of this experiment, right? Where I get to see all these people coming in, because their advisors not doing what they’re supposed to be doing. Yeah, and to hear the stories and to see where people are at. And they’re putting blind faith and blind trust in somebody that may or may not have their best intentions in mind. Right?


Brian Quaranta 21:46

Yeah. And they’re going in and they’re having reviews about account performance. They’re not having reviews around the best ways to maximize their income, the best ways to reduce their taxation or their future taxation. They’re not talking about how to properly bucket their investments. Right, right. You look at most people, they have investments in all-in-one bucket, right. And they have not taken the time to designate certain buckets of money at certain times in our life to do certain things. They don’t have a healthcare strategy. They don’t have a legacy strategy, right? Because these big firms are not doing this type of in-depth planning. And there’s a lot that’s being missed. Not every eye is being dotted, and not every T is being crossed. Right.


Rob 22:26

So, we know there’s some ways to mitigate taxes. There’s stuff like there’s life insurance, there’s also something called the Roth conversion, right? Where essentially you fulfill the taxation on it today, in the process, what you earn on it from then on out becomes tax free, right? Yeah. A lot of people don’t understand this whole Roth IRA thing? Well, you know, what big box firms do not talk about it. And I challenge anybody out there right now call your big box firm, you ask them about Roth conversions. And you’re going to I know the answer, they either don’t do them, or they don’t talk about it, you know, why they don’t talk about and why. Because when you do a Roth conversion, it takes you satisfying the taxation on that account, so that a lot of times the account size shrinks, so they’re the financial advisors taking a loss in income.


Brian Quaranta 23:04

So, you’re telling me let’s say you have a million-dollar account, right? And let’s just say that you’re going to convert that million-dollar account, you got to pay the taxes on it. Right. So now that million-dollar accounts only worth 700,000, because you had to pay 30% in taxes or maybe less. Right, right? So now they can only charge fees on 700,000. Not a million. Right. Wow.


Rob 23:23

So, if you think that they’re charging 1%, right, right, their income went from?


Brian Quaranta 23:27

What is that? Well, $10,000, down to


Rob 23:29

7,030% reduction in pay. So, they were worried about their pay not and not yours, right? Wow, that’s


Brian Quaranta 23:34

incredible. Because you know, the best thing you can do is really get rid of that. Get rid of the IRS as quickly as you can. Because, you know, you’re either going to deal with him in your lifetime, or whoever you leave your money to, they’re going to deal with them.


Rob 23:48

If you remember what Albert Einstein said about compounding interest, it wasn’t like the eighth wonder of the world, eighth wonder of the world and the IRS knows that. That’s why they’re allowing you to do your taxes, right? So, you can disinherit him right now. Yeah. And use that compounding in your favor. Yeah. Or you can let them win.


Brian Quaranta 24:05

See, because I still get compounding interest when I do a conversion to a Roth IRA. It’s just the compounding of it is actually all tax free to me.


Rob 24:12

Yeah, absolutely. I get asked this question all the time, like, how do I know how do I know if I’m a good candidate for Roth conversions? And I think a lot of people hear that and they say, Oh, it doesn’t apply to me. But I think I mean, I know what I would identify as a candidate, but you and your practice, what you see is, hey, this person is a prime candidate to actually do some strategic tax planning.


Brian Quaranta 24:28

Well, look, I mean, if you’re 10 years from retirement, five years from retirement, you have money in an IRA a 401. K, you’re a perfect candidate to look at a Roth conversion strategy to see if it would benefit you to do it. If you recently retired probably if you’re not too far even recently retired, you can do it because look, look at it this way. Most people right with their retirement account that is replacing the defined benefit plan, right that the pension, yeah, so most people 85 to 90% of the people that have these plans are going to need to take income out. So, let’s Just do some basic math. Let’s say they need $1,000 coming out of that account, and they’re in a 20% tax bracket. Well, that means after they take that $1,000 out and pay the 20% in taxes, they’re only netting $800. Right? Well, what happens when taxes go to 30%? Now, they’re only netting $700. So just through taxes going up, they reduce their purchasing power, right? Now, you convert that to a Roth IRA, right? And now you take that same $1,000 out your taxes are at 20%, you pull that money out of a Roth IRA, you still get $1,000, because you don’t want any taxes, tax rates go to 50%, you still get $1,000 because it’s all tax-free money. And now to your point that compounding interest is working in your favor, folks, the reason why you want to get a tax strategy right now is because we have the most advantageous tax rates right now. Now is the time to actually put together a tax plan, why taxes are on sale, but you got to do your part you got to call us today, call 1-888-382-1298 and get your retirement Readiness Review. With tax map report again, call 1-888-382-1298 or scan the QR code at the bottom of the screen. Thanks for watching.


Announcer 26:10

Call 888-382-1298 now to receive your complimentary tax map with your retirement Readiness Review. Learn multiple strategies that can protect you from higher taxes now and in the future taxes are a threat to your financial stability in retirement protect yourself from the potential threat of rising taxes as a retirement planning financial advisory firm, Brian and his team will help you navigate the financial waters to pursue your retirement goals call 888-382-1298. Today, Brian and his team provide inclusive retirement services such as investment directories for your portfolio income producing strategies and wealth preservation plans for your family and legacy call Brian and his team 888-382-1298. Now for your complimentary tax map with your retirement Readiness Review. Discover tax strategies to keep more of what you have saved in retirement or use the QR code below to schedule today.