On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 110

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*A Roth conversion may not be suitable for your situation. The primary goal in converting retirement assets into a Roth IRA is to reduce the future tax liability on the distributions you take in retirement, or on the distributions of your beneficiaries. The information provided is to help you determine whether or not a Roth IRA conversion may be appropriate for your particular circumstances. Please review your retirement savings, tax, and legacy planning strategies with your legal/tax advisor to be sure a Roth IRA conversion fits into your planning strategies. All rights reserved.

Video Transcript

Rebecca Powers 00:24

Welcome to On the Money with Secure Money with Brian Quaranta of Secure Money Advisors. So happy to have you with us again this week. Great to see you as always nice to see you always enjoy it. Now I know business is going great. Of course, your wife works at the office, you have a wonderful staff, so much of your employees don’t really leave and be your business is booming, mostly because of recommendations from your current clients.


Brian Quaranta 00:51

Yeah, yes,


Rebecca Powers 00:52

that’s the biggest flattery I think you could ever receive.


Brian Quaranta 00:56

It is well, it we feel very blessed for that, by the way. And, you know, when it comes to the fact that we’re we try to educate as much as we can to the public, I just believe in education. Because the world we live in today, you know, I was sharing with this with you the other day, I told you I saw a picture was like from 19, like 30 or something.


Rebecca Powers 01:16



Brian Quaranta 01:17

And it was a picture of all these men standing up against a brick wall. And every single one of them had a newspaper, and they were reading. And I thought to myself, wow, look at this, nothing’s changed. We’ve all had our face in either a newspaper or now at a screen. And I started thinking about it a little bit more, I thought, you know, the only difference with the newspaper was that it ended, when you read the newspaper, you were done. The problem with the phone, or your computer and information never stops. And the problem is you have to really be careful about where you get your information from today, because I can see why people are so confused about what to do with retirement planning. Because you can read so many contradictory articles online, one says to do it this way, another person says, Oh, do it this way this person says, this is a good way this versus this is a bad way. And so, I wanted to take away all the noise. And I wanted to say, look, here are the basic fundamentals of building a great retirement plan. And there’s five key areas, there’s income, there’s taxes, there’s investments, there’s a health care strategy, and there’s an estate planning strategy. And I can promise you that if you have all five of those areas, handled, every I dotted, every T crossed, you are going to be okay in retirement. But most people do not have these areas covered. They still have maybe a 401 K or an IRA that’s invested in stocks, bonds and mutual funds. And that’s not a plan. But that’s not a plan. That’s an investment strategy.


Rebecca Powers 02:48



Brian Quaranta 02:49

So, we believe in the education of financial literacy, yes. And helping people understand what it means to build a plan.


Rebecca Powers 02:59

And the book is one of the also wonderful things that you can get even pays for the shipping and handling because it’s about educating and empowering. And once people are educated, and you show them how good it can be. You said last week that you’ve seen people retire successfully with only about $200,000 Saved.


Brian Quaranta 03:17

Oh, yeah, yeah, very easily.


Rebecca Powers 03:18

Because like you said, with the noise, the pundits, you need 2 million, you need 3 million, unless they live in your house and know you and your husband and your bills, how in the world would they know? That’s a frustration of why you became a an independent?


Brian Quaranta 03:29

Yes. Right. Because look, today, people don’t know when they can retire. Because you know, for most people, if you ask them, you know what, what guaranteed sources of income you’re gonna have in retirement. And most people say, Well, we’re gonna have social security. That’s it. And you say, well, is that going to be enough money for you? And they say, No, it’s not going to be enough. So that means that they’re going to have to lean on the accumulated investments they have that they’ve accumulated over the years. The question is, is that enough money, right? And how long is that money going to last depending on how much you need to take out. And most people have never taken the time to figure that out. But the other thing is, is that I’ve looked at a lot of these so-called plans out there. And they are what we call Monte Carlo scenarios where, you know, these stockbrokers will give their clients these reports. And they’ll be showing a perfect world, meaning the client is getting 8% a year, every single year, with no downturns or no death of their spouse or no health event or massive inflation, acid inflation. And so, you know, it’s, it’s, you know, its fake numbers, in my opinion, because you’re not stress testing it, whether you should be to see where the problems lie, because you have to be able to identify the red flags. You know, for example, most people aren’t covered when it comes to a health event. I mean, that’s a very expensive thing to go through. So,


Rebecca Powers 04:48

And that’s different from health insurance.


Brian Quaranta 04:50

That’s very different from health insurance very, very different from health insurance, you know, you know, the way our country the way our medical system is, is if you have a heart attack and you go in Hospital. As long as you’re getting care, you know, Medicare will pay for it, right. But if you have a stroke, in 90 days, if you’re not improving, you have to pay for it yourself. And you got to pay for that acute care by yourself. And you know, long term care full care in Pennsylvania is $14,000 a month, I don’t care how big your portfolio is, that’s not going to last a long time.


Rebecca Powers 05:22

That’s right.


Brian Quaranta 05:23

So, there’s, there’s lots of areas to think about. And that’s why it’s important that you, you understand and work with somebody that does this for a living.


Rebecca Powers 05:30

You actually have the word secure in the name of your business, but the name of our show, then you have your radio show, because secure money is the only way not to gamble. You said Monte Carlo and I think of casinos. So that’s kind of ironic, right? So, let’s talk about that safe money, you’ve got your risk money, because you want that high growth potential. But you want that safe money?


Brian Quaranta 05:49

Yeah, well, the biggest mistake people make is not protecting their retirement income. I mean, think about it, if we really, really think about it. What is the main purpose of the money that we save? I mean, to be there, when you’re old, think about it. Just think about you and I right. All the money, I’m saving all the money you’re saving. You know, if I asked you that question, what is the primary purpose of the money that you’ve accumulated over your lifetime?


Rebecca Powers 06:14

It would be to continue our lifestyle until we die,


Brian Quaranta 06:17

Period bottom line.


Rebecca Powers 06:18

And pay our bills?


Brian Quaranta 06:19

Yeah. What do you need to continue your lifestyle?


Rebecca Powers 06:21



Brian Quaranta 06:22

Income. It’s, it’s number one for everybody. If you ask me, Brian, what’s the number one purpose of your money to continue our lifestyle? Right? What does that really mean to have the income on a monthly basis to do the things that we want to do? Why in the world would you risk your retirement income? In the stock market? It’s crazy,


Rebecca Powers 06:44

but we don’t know any better. I mean, let’s be honest, I was like you, all of you. And maybe some of you, you know, had more education about it. But I think we think about it started working at 20. Do you want conservative or do you? I’m like, I don’t know, I guess I’m risky. I didn’t hear from the guy again, for 10-20 years. How in the world would, would we know what the risk is? And I love that Morningstar report that you all do, because that is also what it uncovers the risk and the fees.


Brian Quaranta 07:13

Yeah. Well, look, you know, folks, the written plan that we give you is a matter of fact, you know, for the next 10 callers who call in right now, we are going to give you a complimentary Right Track Retirement plan is a written plan prepared by a certified financial planner, and our team will go over it with you, it’ll go through five key areas with you your income, your taxes, your investments, your healthcare strategy, and your estate planning strategy, all you got to do is pick up the phone call 1-888-382-1298 to nine a folks don’t procrastinate on this getting this right is absolutely important. And the reports that you’ll get when you come in, are going to be so eye opening, so informed that even if you are working with someone that’s going to help you have better conversations about what to ask, take advantage of it 1-888-382-1298. And as always, my promise to you is that no one in my office or part of my team will try to sell you anything, pressure you to do anything, you will be enlightened with the information we give you. And it’ll be very, very eye opening. So, you can also scan the QR code. And as a bonus, for calling in and scheduling, I’m also going to send you a copy of my book absolutely free, which is right track your retirement. It’s a simple planning guide to help you build a risk-free retirement and have income for the rest of your life.


Rebecca Powers 08:29

And if you’re with someone that you think you’re already that you’re happy with, why not get a second opinion, it’s called the stress test. Let’s see how well their plan holds up to ours. We’ll be right back more with Brian Quaranta right after this.


Brian Quaranta 08:40

So, everybody can tell you how to invest your money. There’s not a lot of people out there and a lot of firms that can teach you how to use your money. Most people also tell you that they’re scared. And the reason they’re scared is because they’re afraid of running out of money.


Neil Major 08:54

The last thing you want to do is have a really good job and you’re in your 60s retire and be looking for work again in your late 70s.


Brian Quaranta 09:03

The average person might say, well, a good portfolio would be a good mix of stocks, bonds and mutual funds, kind of a good portfolio is all designed around the five key areas income, taxes, investments, health care and legacy planning.


Neil Major 09:17

Because we’re not just product pickers here, what we do best here as we build retirement plans,


Brian Quaranta 09:22

9 out of 10 people when they walk through the door would ask us, we just want to know if we’re on the right track. And I always say if you’re not on the right track, when would be a good time to know it. Probably now,


Neil Major 09:32

People you know can actually see a vision once we start to really build out their plan.


Brian Quaranta 09:39

This is about time to get a second opinion. And you can’t get a second opinion from the person that gave you the first the difference at secure money advisors. As a fiduciary firm, we help you manage the risk, too. he’ll deal and give you the retirement withdrawal.


Rebecca Powers 10:07

All right, welcome back. Of course, we’re talking about your retirement, how to get there. And the very, very best way, did you know that tax planning is actually part of your income plan that was eye opening and mind blowing for me too, when I started doing these shows,


Brian Quaranta 10:21

Most people don’t think of it though.


Rebecca Powers 10:23

No, not at all.


Brian Quaranta 10:24

Because for most people, they’re probably going to get the retirement income from some type of 401 K or traditional IRA. The problem is, is that when they put the money in, they got a tax deduction. But the money has been growing tax deferred for their entire life up until the point that you start to withdraw it, because now every dollar they start withdrawing from that plan is going to be taxable. So, let’s just suppose that you need $1,000 A month from your 401 k or IRA, you’re in a 20% tax bracket? Well, they’ll take $1,000 out of those accounts, and you’re only going to net 20% tax bracket, you’re only gonna net $800, right? Get Paid $200 in taxes, right? If you ask most people, what do they think about taxes, the hit, you’re gonna go up in the future down the future,


Rebecca Powers 11:16

Definitely up, definitely


Brian Quaranta 11:17

Can’t print trillions of dollars without taxes going up. So, if tax rates go to 30%, now that same $1,000, withdrawal is only going to net you $700. Now, that’s a problem, because now we are losing purchasing power. And purchasing power is what allows us to maintain our lifestyle. Now, it gets worse, because we’re just talking about taxes. But the other thing that’s going to be compounded in this equation, that’s going to further decrease your purchasing power is inflation. So, add a 3%, inflation 8%, whatever it is, right have 10% inflation rate, you can see that your purchasing power is going to be reduced significantly. And this is why tax planning, which is different than tax preparation, right?


Rebecca Powers 12:08



Brian Quaranta 12:09

Yeah. When you get your taxes done, that’s like in April, tax planning takes place all year long. And this is where you can start to think about strategies. And these are the things we help people with that secure money is getting from taxable accounts to tax free accounts. So, when they do these withdrawals, you know, for example, I personally convert a lot of my money to, to Roth IRA money each year. So, when I get to the point to where I need to start withdrawing income, and I take $1,000 out of my account, and let’s say I’m in a 20% tax bracket, I get $1,000. Because I don’t have to pay income taxes because I converted to a Roth IRA. If tax rates go to 30%, I still get $1,000.


Rebecca Powers 12:50

Yes, so it’s done. You paid on the acorn instead of the oak tree. And we only have two years left, right before this current tax bill sunsets.


Brian Quaranta 12:57

That’s right.


Rebecca Powers 12:58

So, you really, really, really need to get on at least tax planning right now.


Brian Quaranta 13:01

Yeah, and you want to work with a fiduciary firm that focuses on these areas of planning, right? We focus on income taxes, investments, health care strategy, and estate planning strategy, those are your big five, if you’ve got every I dotted, every T crossed in those areas, I promise you, you’re gonna have a good retirement. But the number one thing and the reason I always put income at top is because just like you and I said, right, I want to maintain my lifestyle when I retire. So do you. And the only way we’re going to do that is to have income, because the day I retire, the day you retire, the paychecks gonna stop. But all the money that we need to do the things we want the traveling spending time with the kids, the grandkids, whatever that takes money, right? And we’re going to need to be able to do that. And that’s why I encourage people so much to come into Secure Money Advisors, take advantage of our complimentary Right Track Retirement plan, get that written plan, it’s put together by a certified financial planner, we look at the risks that they’re taking, we look at the fees that they’re paying, we look at the probability of success of their portfolio, is that plan going to work? Or is it not going to work? What’s really nice is it’s a black and white analysis. It’s not an opinion, it’s just black and white. And then you can say, Okay, well, if your current plan only has a 60% chance of getting you through retirement, that’s probably not too good. Right? What if we could get it to 90%? Now, the question is, could we make some adjustments to get it to 90%? You might not be able to do it all the time. Right? There’s countless times people come you can’t fix it. Yeah. But if it can be fixed, people want to have solutions for that. And that’s something we can do for them.


Rebecca Powers 14:29

So, you can run the report twice. You can say this is what’s currently going on. And then if we do this, this is what it would be.


Brian Quaranta 14:34

Exactly right.


Rebecca Powers 14:35

That’s powerful,


Brian Quaranta 14:36

Very powerful, very powerful, because now we’re just looking at data, right? We’re looking at data. So, if I said to you, Rebecca, your current plan shows you only having a 60% chance of success. But if we make these two adjustments right here, we could have a 90% chance of success. Which one do you want Plan A or plan B?


Rebecca Powers 14:53

Definitely a Plan B,


Brian Quaranta 14:54

right. It’s that simple, right? We’re not I’m not saying look, I don’t like this stock. I don’t like this one. mutual fund this fund, it’s not about that. Right? We’re taking all of that out of it. And it’s just what are we looking at as far as the probability of success go?


Rebecca Powers 15:08

You’re like the coach, you’re looking at the big picture. Because like you said, you know, you hire that quarterback, that’s that good trader and you hire those pieces. So, you really are the holistic, big picture.


Brian Quaranta 15:18

Yeah, look, I always say, Look, if you’re if your financial advisor is doing the trading and the investing itself and picking the stocks, you need to run, because a real financial planner has way more things to handle in your retirement plan than worrying about trading the stocks day in and day out. And by the way, if the individual is trading those stocks on a day-to-day basis, and they’re in meetings, meaning with their clients, how are they paying attention to what’s going on in this fast paced stock market that we have?


Rebecca Powers 15:47

Exactly. And global politics?


Brian Quaranta 15:49



Rebecca Powers 15:50

Geo-economics what’s going on with the Fed? I mean, there is no way that one person could do all of those things.


Brian Quaranta 15:55

How many times have you been very busy throughout the day? You know, you go in the morning, and you don’t have time to breathe? And you come out in the afternoon at six o’clock, right? And somebody says to you, do you see the stock market today? And you’re like, I have no idea what’s going on? What happened? It dropped 100 points today. Well, guess what? For me, my traders are taking care of it. They’re watching that every single day. But if your advisor is doing that, right, that and at the same time, that advisor is having meetings, that is a very dangerous formula there, right. So, and this is why you want to work with people we employ the traders, we employ the investment advisors, but we also hire and fire them, right, because if they’re not doing a good job for our clients, we’re gonna get them out of the picture, right?


Rebecca Powers 16:39



Brian Quaranta 16:40

we do a lot of due diligence to make sure we have the right people; we do the due diligence to make sure we’re building the right portfolios. But at the end of the day, we have a system and process we follow and that makes a difference. And that’s why this right track retirement analysis is so important for you to take advantage of. And for the next 10 callers who call in right now, we’re going to give you this complimentary analysis, it’s going to be a number of reports that you get prepared by a certified financial planner, and my team is going to go through it with you. And we’re going to look at the fees that you’re paying the risk that you’re taking, and the probability of success just like Rebecca and I were talking about. So, all you got to do is do your part, don’t procrastinate on this call 1-888-382-1298. And you can schedule my team’s waiting by to take your call 1-888-382-1298. You can also scan the QR code at the bottom of the screen that’ll take you to righttrackyourretirement.com. And there, you can schedule your appointment. And as a bonus for scheduling folks, I’m going to send you a copy of my book, which is Right Track Your Retirement because the number one question I always get is are we on the right track? And I would say if you’re not on the right track, when would you want to know. So, find out whether or not you’re on the right track 1-888-382-1298


Rebecca Powers 17:54

Fantastic, more on how you can secure your money and retire. Right? We’ll be right back.


Brian Quaranta 17:59

So, everybody can tell you how to invest your money. There’s not a lot of people out there and a lot of firms that can teach you how to use your money. Most people also tell you that they’re scared. And the reason they’re scared is because they’re afraid of running out of money.


Neil Major 18:13

The last thing you want to do is have a really good job and you’re in your 60s retire, be looking for work again in your late 70s.


Brian Quaranta 18:21

The average person might say, well, a good portfolio would be a good mix of stocks, bonds and mutual funds. A good portfolio is all designed around the five key areas income, taxes, investments, health care and legacy planning.


Neil Major 18:36

Because we’re not just product pickers here, what we do best here as we build retirement plans,


Brian Quaranta 18:41

9 out of 10 people, when they walk through the door would ask us, we just want to know if we’re on the right track. And I always say if you’re not on the right track, when would be a good time to know it. Probably now,


Neil Major 18:52

People, you know, can actually see a vision once we start to really build out their plan.


Brian Quaranta 18:57

This is about you if you’re not getting what you need. And you feel that when you walk out of the advisor’s office, it’s time to get a second opinion. And you can’t get a second opinion from the person that gave you the first the difference at Secure Money Advisors, as a fiduciary firm, we help you manage the risk, build the income and give you the retirement withdrawal.


Rebecca Powers 19:26

Thanks for staying with us. So, you may be asking how can they get my money secure when people in the stock market can’t seem to? Well, they’re two different beasts. So, what you’ve told me, you take, let’s say your 401k. And you carve out what they’ll need for, for growth potential. But you carve out what they will really definitely need for retirement, and you secure it.


Brian Quaranta 19:47

Yeah, that’s called Protecting the retirement.


Rebecca Powers 19:49

So, what are some of the tools? How do you do it?


Brian Quaranta 19:52

Yeah, so Well, there’s a number of ways that we can protect that portion of money. The easiest way where you get the most leverage which is by using an income annuity. Okay. Now, annuities Finally, I’ve been screaming at the top of my lungs how important these products are. But I’m up against and have been up against a lot of negative press against them. But I can see why because I do agree that in some cases of annuities are, are really bad because they’re not all created equal. Right. You’ve got three main types out there. You’ve got a variable annuity, you have an indexed annuity, you have a fixed annuity. I am not a fan of the variable annuity a matter of fact, I created a process called the variable annuity escape. Because when I evaluate the annuity, the annuity the variable annuity, what we typically find out are the fees have around three and a half percent. So, our people come in, they’ll say, I’ve got this annuity it hasn’t grown in the past 10 years. Well, that’s because you’re paying almost 4% in fees, right? So, I like either indexed or fixed, because they do something very important. They guarantee and protect your principle. Okay. Now, the index annuity is really simple. It’s a very, very simple concept. You don’t get all the gains, see what happens with an indexed annuity is, let’s say I put $100,000 into it. And let’s say the stock market goes up 10%. Okay, well, in an indexed annuity, you’re not going to get 100% of that game, you’re gonna get about 70% of that gain. So, if market goes up, 10%, he gets 70% of 10%, which will be 7%. Right? So now, your $100,000 goes to $107,000. Now, there’s a very important formula in this index annuity called an annual lock. Okay, that means once you make that gain, it can never be taken away. So that means if the next year the market drops, 50%, I still have $107,000, right. And then the next part of the form is called annual reset, that means now I reset at the bottom market level so that when the market comes back, I am earning money immediately off 107,000. Now think about the individual that’s in the stock market, if his account went from remember, somebody in the stock market might get 100% of the gains, right? So, let’s say they got all 10%. So now their 100,000 goes to 110,000. Now it drops 50%, they only have $55,000. Right likes about wiped out. So how long are they going to take to recoup that $55,000 They last a long time, they’re gonna have to do 100% rate of return, just even get back to even so did you need 100% of the gains? No, you needed to protect yourself from 100% of the losses,


Rebecca Powers 22:29

Especially older in age. Now, if you’re 30, shoot for it.


Brian Quaranta 22:33

Go for it, go for it, because those bigger gains are probably going to help you. But as you get closer, you don’t need 100% of the gains, you need to protect yourself from 100% of the loss, losses will hurt you more than gains will help you when you get close to retirement and into retirement.


Rebecca Powers 22:51

Don’t you feel like people have a very short memory that in 2008 people were wiped out. And then we had 13 Fabulous years, or everyone was just oh, you know, killing it? And now 2022


Brian Quaranta 23:02

Right, correct. Yeah. And look, its Newton’s law, what goes up must come down.


Rebecca Powers 23:08

That’s right.


Brian Quaranta 23:09

It does. I mean, it’s, there’s an individual, that was a physicist that wound up becoming one of the best hedge fund managers out there. And, and I believe you even won an award. But you know, his whole concept was what, what goes up must come down. And that’s how he managed the entire portfolio. So, the market was mentioned, and he got out, you know, sometimes he got out, you know, six months too early, or whatever. But the point is that eventually he’s going to come down, what we have seen is not normal. And people think that, you know, when you see them, when you see making money becoming very easy, like we did over the past few years, where young kids were making lots of money trading, and these Robin Hood apps and all this kind of stuff and buying things like Gamestop and putting $1,000 and making a lot of money. You know, that’s when you really need to be doing the opposite of what people are doing. Right? And this is Warren Buffett’s whole philosophy with investing. When people are buying, you should be selling. And when people are selling, you should be buying.


Rebecca Powers 24:05



Brian Quaranta 24:06

And people can’t do that because of behavioral finance. Behavioral Finance says that an individual cannot psychologically make that decision that when the markets going down, they buy, they buy when the market goes up. I’ll tell you about a quick report real quick.


Rebecca Powers 24:21



Brian Quaranta 24:22

So, there was a study done. And it was a dalbar report. And what they determined was that the average return of the average investor or I’m sorry, the average return of the average mutual fund was 10%. Okay, the average return of the average investor was 3%. So how does the average return of the average mutual fund be 10? And the average return of the average investor only three to 7% difference?


Rebecca Powers 24:48

Yeah, where’s that going?


Brian Quaranta 24:49

Yeah. It’s called behavior. It’s called behavior. The investor buys at the wrong time and sells at the wrong time. A study recently from Vanguard said that an individual working with a financial advisor will do better in returns than if they’re working by themselves because the advisor acts as the coach to help them mitigate or not mitigate, but help them stay steady with the plan as things do get volatile.


Rebecca Powers 25:18

Because emotional selling is terrible, because you bought high and you’re selling low. That’s the opposite of what you should,


Brian Quaranta 25:24

it’s the opposite of what you should do. And then you’re really locking into those gains. I mean, think about it like this. You don’t even when the market goes up, if you have $100,000. And you know, over the course of a few years, it goes to 150 or $160,000. You don’t own that 160,000 The only way you own it is to sell it. Other than that, it goes right back down any ask anybody that bought Bitcoin? Or Aetherium? Aetherium guys out there.


Rebecca Powers 25:51

Yeah, Well, I thought you were gonna say Uncle Sam, like you don’t even own that, because you have a partner. That’s where you are going. Don’t even think of those get rich quick. And a lot of people lost a whole lot.


Brian Quaranta 26:01

Yeah, you don’t even own the gains unless you sell right. And then you the losses, you don’t own the losses until you sell right. So, but this is why people have to think about bucketing strategy, which I write about all of my book. It’s in there, folks, my book is called Right Track Your Retirement because the number one question I get all the time is, are we doing the right things? Are we on the right track, if you’re not on the right track, you probably want to know sooner than later. And if you call right now, the next 10 cars you call right now we’re gonna give you a complimentary Right Track Retirement Review. It’s a number of reports that we build for you, we have a certified financial planner that puts that together for you. And our team will go over that with you. It’ll look at the risk that you’re taking, they’ll look at the fees that you’re paying, and it’ll look at the probability of success of your overall plan. But you got to do your part called 1-888-382-1298. My team standing by to schedule again, it’s 1-888-382-1298, you can also scan the QR code at the bottom of the screen there. And that’ll take you to righttrackyourretirement.com. And you can schedule there. And as a bonus, whether you call a phone number, or go to the website. As a bonus, I am going to give you a free copy of my book. Yes, I said free I’m literally going to pay for the shipping and handling to get this book into your hands. I want you to have this book is so important, because I teach you in that book from A to Z, how to think and build your retirement plan. It’ll be very informative and very helpful for you. So, we’ll see you again soon.


Rebecca Powers 27:32

Such a great offer. And it really is a very short, easy to read book. I promise he really breaks it down in a very simple, beautiful way to understand there’s the number one more time 888-382-1298 We didn’t get to your questions this week, but we will next time. So definitely send those in as well and we can’t wait to meet you. Thank you so much. We’ll see you soon. Thanks for joining us.