On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 108

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*A Roth conversion may not be suitable for your situation. The primary goal in converting retirement assets into a Roth IRA is to reduce the future tax liability on the distributions you take in retirement, or on the distributions of your beneficiaries. The information provided is to help you determine whether or not a Roth IRA conversion may be appropriate for your particular circumstances. Please review your retirement savings, tax, and legacy planning strategies with your legal/tax advisor to be sure a Roth IRA conversion fits into your planning strategies. All rights reserved.

Video Transcript

Rebecca Powers 00:24

Welcome to On the Money with Secure Money with Brian Quaranta of Secure Money Advisors. All right, I know everyone massacres your name, but is it Italian? Is it Where does your last name come from?


Brian Quaranta 00:35

It is Italian. Calabrese. Yeah, it actually- quaranta is the number 40 In the Italian language.


Rebecca Powers 00:43

Oh, wow,


Brian Quaranta 00:44

I didn’t know that.


Rebecca Powers 00:45

That’s really neat


Brian Quaranta 00:46

Little piece of advice,


Rebecca Powers 00:47

just learned from you


Brian Quaranta 00:48

a little piece of trivia. And there’s a whole nother story behind it to how it got to be 40.


Rebecca Powers 00:54

It really just popped in my mind like that is the hardest name to say.


Brian Quaranta 00:57

It has been butchered my entire life. I mean, I’ve had everything from Chorontra to Courtney, I never know where somebody’s got Courtney from. But it’s Quaranta.


Rebecca Powers 01:07

Quaranta. So, you give fantastic advice, week after week on your radio show on your TV show?


Brian Quaranta 01:12



Rebecca Powers 01:13

And the biggest thing is that retirement planning and investment planning are two totally different creatures. So, let’s just start there.


Brian Quaranta 01:21

Yeah, well, first, that’s the best place to start. Because this is understanding the fundamentals of building a retirement plan. Because if you have a 401 K or an IRA, that’s great, that’s wonderful. That’s a good savings vehicle, but it’s probably an investment strategy. And it’s probably diversified in different mutual funds or stocks or something along those lines. But a retirement plan goes beyond the investments. It goes into what I write about in my book called the five key areas, which is your income, your investment strategies, your tax strategies, your healthcare strategy, and your estate planning strategy. Because if you don’t get those five key areas, right, you’re not going to be able to protect yourself in retirement. Why? Because number one, when you retire, you’re going to need income now. And if you don’t even come down, you’re gonna need it later. And even if you need income, now, you’ll probably need more later. Investments change because you can’t take the risk that you once took, you don’t have time to recover.


Rebecca Powers 02:16

Especially when you see what happened last year,


Brian Quaranta 02:19

correct. You just don’t people don’t have the time to recover. They’re fooling themselves to think that they’re gonna ride out a market correction. Well, that’s fine if you’re 30, 40, or 50 years old. But when you start to get to 55, you’re five years away from retirement, or maybe 60, you got to start to really rethink your strategy. The, the important thing in retirement is more about the return of your money than the return on your money. Okay, we want to make sure we have our money, we want to make sure we protect, protect our principles. But your healthcare strategy, right, the so many people are exposed here, when it comes to health care. I mean, you’re talking $14,000 a month for care and Pennsylvania, you can have a very, very large portfolio and get sick and have that portfolio just disappear. You know, because of the cost of doing that. And there’s ways to protect from that without buying,


Rebecca Powers 03:09

Do you like Long Term Care Insurance.


Brian Quaranta 03:10

There’s better ways, there’s better ways that it’s very expensive, it is very expensive, and most people can’t qualify to get it. Right. If you can’t qualify, and you can get it for a reasonable price there. I’ve got nothing against it. But there’s better ways that you can protect than then long-term care. And then you get your well, there’s what we call Long Term Care riders now, on products that you don’t have to go through underwriting like, for example, a long-term care insurance policy requires you to go through medical underwriting, right. And most people get declined. But the insurance companies got smarter. They said, Well, wait a second, maybe most people don’t need this, this long term care insurance? And if most of them are not qualifying for it, and it’s still a major problem, how are we going to fix it? So, what do they do, they create a product that has a long-term care doubler benefit on it. So let me give you an example. Let’s say that, let’s say that you’re going to need you know, 25,000 hours a year in additional income, okay? There are products out there that will give you $25,000 a year in guaranteed income every single year. But let’s say you get sick, you have a health event, the insurance company will pay you $50,000 a year, for every year that you’re, you’re in a in a long-term care facility, right to help you offset that cost. And then if you get better and come back out, they’ll start paying you 25,000 Again, but if you die, your spouse isn’t going to be out of money. People don’t realize that the person that’s at risk more than anybody is not the person in the in the facility. It’s the surviving spouse that the assets are being drained on that if that individual is in the nursing home for three or four years and arrests can get drained down to zero now what is your why? He’s going to be absolutely broke. Now, when you die, he’s your husband going to be broke. These are not the ways that we want to approach retirement planning, right. So, investment strategies are much, much different than the retirement strategy. And of course, the last part of it is your estate planning strategy. Because when the good Lord makes your home, I promise you, if you don’t have a plan, the state of Pennsylvania will have a plan for you.


Rebecca Powers 05:22



Brian Quaranta 05:23

I can promise you, you will like your plan a lot better than the state of Pennsylvania’s plan, because we’re only we’re one of six states that still has the death tax. And so, when you die, and your money is left to your family members, not only they have to pay income tax on that money, but they have to pay the death tax in the state of Pennsylvania. And that can be anywhere from four and a half percent all the way up to 15%. Depending on who you’re leaving that money to, you know, there was an article on Money, Money Magazine, a son inherits his father’s half a million-dollar retirement account. Now, the son had no idea is that it saved this much money. And he says, my dad, my dad worked every day of his life, you know, he never made over a certain amount is that I had no idea it saves so much money. Well, the son calls the company that his dad had the money with, they send his paperwork in, he does, and son fills it out. And they sent him a check for $500,000. And a couple of weeks later, son gets a 1099 in the mail, and he wants a low in $260,000 in taxes. So over half of his dad’s retirement account gets wiped out in taxation, because when he received that money from his dad’s retirement account, not only did he have to pay income taxes on it, but he had to pay the estate tax on it. So, these are the things you don’t want to get wrong. And this is why I spent the time to put all of this in my book called right track your retirement, which you can get a copy of, you can scan the QR code at the bottom of the screen, you can call 1-888-382-1298. And get a copy of it there. But what you can also do is you can schedule a complimentary right track retirement appointment. And during that appointment, I’ll walk you through my team. And I will walk you through these five key areas. And they will help you get more clarity and certainty around your retirement. And my one promise to you is this, when you come in, no one from my team will sell you anything, they will never pressure you to do anything, we’re there to help give you black and white information to make informed decisions, when you come in that meeting will be very informative, and it will be very eye opening. And you’ll notice that our team is very welcoming. And you know going to see financial advisors that can be somewhat a scary process, but it’s not secure money advisors. So, call 1-888-382-1298 scan the QR code at the bottom of screen, and you can schedule with us.


Rebecca Powers 07:37

And you can always go to righttrackyourretirement.com We’ll be right back stay with us.


Brian Quaranta 07:42

So, everybody can tell you how to invest your money. There’s not a lot of people out there and a lot of firms that can teach you how to use your money. Most people also tell you that they’re scared. And the reason they’re scared is because they’re afraid of running out of money.


Neil Major 07:55

The last thing you want to do is have a really good job and you’re in your 60s retire and be looking for work again in your late 70s.


Brian Quaranta 08:04

The average person might say, well, a good portfolio would be a good mix of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, kind of a good portfolio is all designed around the five key areas, income, taxes, investments, health care and legacy planning.


Neil Major 08:19

Because we’re not just product pickers here, what we do best here as we build retirement plans,


Brian Quaranta 08:23

nine out of 10 people, when they walk through the door would ask us, we just want to know if we’re on the right track. And I always say if you’re not on the right track, when would be a good time to know it. Probably now,


Neil Major 08:34

people you know can actually see a vision once we start to really build out their plan.


Brian Quaranta 08:39

This is about you if you’re not getting what you need. And you feel that when you walk out of the advisors office, it’s time to get a second opinion. And you can’t get a second opinion from the person that gave you the first of the difference at secure money advisors. As a fiduciary firm. We help you manage the risk, build the income and give you the retirement


Rebecca Powers 09:09

welcome back. Thanks so much for staying with us. We’re talking about secure money about your retirement. The biggest question we say this in every show, do I have enough money to retire? Am I going to be okay? And I know that is really kind of what I don’t want to say you look forward to, but you love to show them in black and white what it can be and what it could currently be if you stay on the same track?


Brian Quaranta 09:30

Yeah, well, look, this is why I think people need to work with a good fiduciary firm because they’re going to get a written plan. They’re going to be working with somebody that is held to the highest standard by law. And fiduciaries are also required to have a higher level of education to understand the planning process. And so, there’s a trust factor that comes in when you’re working with someone that’s you know, not paid commissions, right and they’re, they’re there to help you design and build an engineer plan. So that You can solve the problems that are unique to your situation. And my team and I always talk about, we are problem solvers first, right? We are problem identifiers, and problem solvers. And a lot of times people just don’t know that these problems exist, because no one’s asking the question,


Rebecca Powers 10:13

Right. there’s erosion, and you’re not even sure there’s a crack in your foundation, and you find that you don’t even have a foundation.


Brian Quaranta 10:19

That’s right,


Rebecca Powers 10:20

which is your income?


Brian Quaranta 10:21

That’s right, exactly. Now, most people haven’t built that foundation. And you know, they’re going into retirement, about 85% of the people retiring today, don’t have pensions. And so, they’re going into retirement thinking that they’re going to start just withdrawing money from their 401 k or IRA. You know, I call that the hope and pray strategy. Yeah, cross your fingers, that dice in your hands. So, you’re not going to run out of money. And that’s not the way to approach this, we can build a plan that builds in certainty, right, we can still invest in the stock market. But we can do it in a way that builds in some certainty. And that’s everything that we do at Secure Money Advisors. And that’s why I wrote right track your retirement, because the number one question I got all the time when people came in is, are we doing the right things? Are we on the right track? Well, let me ask if you were not on the right track. When would you want to find that yesterday? Right. You know, so that it’s important, it’s important for people to get confirmation whether or not they’re doing the right thing.


Rebecca Powers 11:15

A big part of the complimentary conversation is the risk analysis.


Brian Quaranta 11:18



Rebecca Powers 11:19

Let’s talk about that third party, that technology, how wonderful it is that it’s not just your opinion, or your experience, which is fast, but it is actually a third-party algorithm that they created software.


Brian Quaranta 11:31

Yeah, well go back to, you know, 25-30 years ago, when you go and sit down with a financial advisor, it was very easy to say, Well, why do you own this stock? Or why do you own this mutual fund? And it was a long hand analysis, and then opinions were injected into the conversation. Software has created a non-biased, you know, opinion proof, right, you know, analysis. And what that does is it allows the individual just to see black and white data points. And so that’s not me saying it, right. This is what the data shows. And it’s like having bloodwork done.


Rebecca Powers 12:09



Brian Quaranta 12:10

You know, if, if your cholesterol is high, you can’t be mad at the doctor.


Rebecca Powers 12:14

That’s right,


Brian Quaranta 12:15

Right. But the doctor’s job is doing for me, your cholesterol is high, and they’ll tweak you a little and prescribe you can help or maybe just get you on a better diet. Right. And sometimes with us, it’s about getting on a better diet. So, and that’s why I built right track. Because, you know, there are fundamental processes that need to be followed. And when you do, you get peace of mind. And that’s all that everybody wants in retirement, everybody wants peace of mind. There’s nobody wants to go into retirement, you know, worried about what the stock market is doing on a day-to-day basis. This is the time of people’s lives, they’re supposed to be out there, visiting family, going on trips, taking care of their grandkids, they don’t want to turn the TV on and see that the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates again, and the stock market’s crashing.


Rebecca Powers 13:00

and printing money like Monopoly.


Brian Quaranta 13:02

Yeah. I mean, what kind of retirement is that for dad? Yeah, you know, if he’s worried about retirement all the time, because that’s, we hear it all time, you know, are we going to run out of money? Are we going to have enough money? Look, you should build a plan that, you know, confidently, you’re not going to run out of money.


Rebecca Powers 13:17

So, everything under one roof, this holistic approach, you give advice on Social Security as part of your income, longevity as a risk? I mean, who would have thought of that living too long is a risk?


Brian Quaranta 13:29



Rebecca Powers 13:30

So, you team up with these specialty driven people, if someone needs a legacy, you have an attorney, you send them to? Let’s talk about that holistic approach don’t have to go to 10 Different people to get what you need.


Brian Quaranta 13:42

Yeah. And I’m glad you brought that up. Because, you know, how many times over my almost 25-year career have I seen, you know, the attorney write up a will or a trust a certain way, but yet all the beneficiary forms on the clients, you know, life insurance policies or investment, okay, something else say something completely different.


Rebecca Powers 14:04



Brian Quaranta 14:05

And so big, the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.


Rebecca Powers 14:08



Brian Quaranta 14:09

And so, by bringing everything in house and working with these partners and specialists, we work jointly with them with the client to make sure that everything stays cohesive. And when you’ve got the financial planner and the attorney on the same page, you have the financial planner and the accountant on the same page, that makes a world of a difference to the person, and it makes a world of a difference to their money. Right every frightening from how the money is going to grow to how long it’s going to last to the legacy that it leads to taxes that it saves them. So, this is where the industry is going there’s a there’s a there really is a changing you know waves going through the industry right now. And that way the fiduciary it is, it’s a, it’s an important thing the, the industry needed an overhaul itself,


Rebecca Powers 14:58

And consumer protection quite honestly,


Brian Quaranta 15:00

And consumer protection, yeah, consumer protection more than anything.


Rebecca Powers 15:03



Brian Quaranta 15:04

But you know, what I always tell people is keep it simple, right? This is not complicated. If you’re trying to fund your retirement through Bitcoin, it might mean that you’ve waited a little bit too long to start saving, right? Please don’t, don’t roll the dice with 40 years’ worth of work and high-risk stuff when you don’t have to. In my book, Right Track Your Retirement actually talks about three very important interest rates, okay. And those interest rates are critical to understanding the direction that you need to take your money. The first interest rate is called your spend down rate. Now, we have to figure out the spend out rate is because let’s say you need 30 $40,000 A year from your investments. Okay, so what we got to mathematically calculate is what rate of return does your investment need to get, in order for you to take out 30 $40,000 A year increase for you know, inflation over time? What rate of return is a portfolio, the minimum rate of your portfolio that needs to get in order to spend it down to maybe zero by the age of 95? Or 100? Okay, so that’s the spin down rate. For a lot of people, when you look at that, it might only be 2%, then you got to figure out the preservation rate. If I want to take all this money out, what rate of return do I need to preserve my principal. And then of course, the legacy rate is figuring out what rate of return you need to not only take the money out that you want.


Rebecca Powers 16:20

And some leftover


Brian Quaranta 16:21

Grow the money


Rebecca Powers 16:22

Oh, grow the money


Brian Quaranta 16:22

Grow the money,


Rebecca Powers 16:23

So you can leave it.


Brian Quaranta 16:24

So,you can leave it now, once you find out those three rates of return. And why they’re so important is because now it gives you a gauge of where you need to fall with your investment returns. And that now becomes your target catch. Now you’re no longer blind, right? So, one year you earn 20%. And the next year, you’re down 10. But you’re still averaging six or seven, you know you’re in line, right? And this is why understanding these fundamentals starts to make the planning process a lot easier to understand.


Rebecca Powers 16:51

And that’s why you enjoy it because you say you kind of reverse engineer things. That’s why you ask, what are your dreams? What are your goals? And you’ve told me that first appointment really is kind of a date, like it’s a get to know each other?


Brian Quaranta 17:02

Yes, yes. And you know, a lot of people ask like, Well, what do you guys trade? Look, I hire the trade. We’re the engineer behind this.


Rebecca Powers 17:10



Brian Quaranta 17:11

Okay. People think that trading investments and buying individual stocks is what makes up a retirement. No, I, we hire those people.


Rebecca Powers 17:18



Brian Quaranta 17:19

right. And those guys work for us every single day, and we monitor them every single day. We’re the head coach, right? Right engineer, we’re the one actually putting together the plan. Those traders don’t know how to put together a plan. They’re terrible at it. But you know what they’re great at knowing what to buy and sell and when to buy and sell it and knowing what risk tolerance we need for certain things. And that’s why you need a team of people in today’s marketplace working for you at all times.


Rebecca Powers 17:43

Absolutely. Let’s invite everyone and give them that number. Brian, tell them how painless and wonderful this first meeting could be.


Brian Quaranta 17:48

Folks take advantage of this complimentary right track analysis because it really is going to give you clarity and peace of mind. And while go through the five key areas that I’m talking about with Rebecca here today, the income, your, your, your investment strategy, your tax strategy, your healthcare strategy, and your estate planning strategy. You know, my promise to you is if you schedule an appointment, my promise to you is my team. And I will never pressure you to do anything, you’re never going to be sold anything, leave your checkbook at home, it has a meeting to help you get more clarity around what you’re doing, you have nothing to lose. This is not the time to kick the can down the road and procrastinate. So, pick up the phone, call us it’s 1-888-382-1298. Or you can scan that QR code down at the bottom of the screen. And that’ll take you to righttrackyourretirement.com. Or you could just type in righttrackyourretirement.com. And you can go there to schedule your appointment. And as a bonus for scheduling, I’m going to give you a copy of my book, which I’m going to mail to you. And I’m going to pick up the charge of the cost of shipping. So again, 1-888-382-1298scheduled today, we’ll see at the office,


Rebecca Powers 18:58

and you might be on the right track, you might be exactly where you need to be. And they’ll tell you that as well. Stay with us more with Brian Quaranta right after this.


Brian Quaranta 19:06

So, everybody can tell you how to invest your money. There’s not a lot of people out there and a lot of firms that can teach you how to use your money. Most people also tell you that they’re scared. And the reason they’re scared is because they’re afraid of running out of money.


Neil Major 19:20

The last thing you want to do is have a really good job and you’re in your 60s retire, be looking for work again in your late 70s.


Brian Quaranta 19:28

The average person might say Well, a good portfolio would be a good mix of stocks, bonds and mutual funds. A good portfolio is all designed around the five key areas income, taxes, investments, health care and legacy planning.


Neil Major 19:42

Because we’re not just product pickers here. What we do best here is we build retirement plans.


Brian Quaranta 19:48

9 out of 10 people when they walked through the door would ask us we just want to know if we’re on the right track. And I always say if you’re not on the right track, when would be a good time to know it. Probably now,


Neil Major 19:58

People, you know, can actually see a vision once we start to really build out their plan.


Brian Quaranta 20:04

This is about you, if you’re not getting what you need, and you feel that when you walk out of the advisor’s office, it’s time to get a second opinion. And you can’t get a second opinion from the person that gave you the first. The difference at secure money advisors, as a fiduciary firm, we help you manage the risk, build the income, and give you the retirement withdrawal.


Rebecca Powers 20:33

Welcome back to On the Money with Secure Money, the name of the show is secure money, because that is Brian’s number one goal in his entire team at Secure Money Advisors even named your company after all right? So, people don’t think of now I didn’t till I started hosting these shows, I didn’t think of tax planning as a piece of your income, because as Ben Franklin said, A penny saved is actually a penny earned. How important, what is the difference between tax planning and paying your taxes with your CPA? Let’s talk about a very big difference.


Brian Quaranta 21:07

Yeah, well, tax planning is much different. That’s not what you do in April. Exactly. But a lot of people don’t realize that realize it getting your taxes done is what you do in April. But tax planning, Yeah, I’ll give you a good example. So, like, you know, at the end of 2022, when people have taken losses in their investment accounts, there’s opportunity to take advantage of a tax strategy called tax loss harvesting. So, let’s suppose that you had $20,000 in losses in an account, well, you could sell the investments that you took the $20,000 loss and, and that now would become a harvested loss, meaning that you could use it now to write it off to write it off against future capital gains. So, if next year, you needed to take money out of your account, or you wanted to sell an investment that had a capital gain of $20,000, that $20,000 loss could offset the $20,000 gain, and now you pay zero in taxes. And this is why if you look at what happened at the end of 2022, at going into January and February saw this big bump in the market, and that’s a phenomenon that happens during down markets, because big investment firms are selling off investments to take advantage of tax loss harvesting. And the rule is you gotta wait 30 days to buy back in. So, guess when they buy in January, and that pops the market. And people think that the market is on a recovery, when in fact, it’s just money entering back into the market, that money left the market to take advantage of a tax strategy. And there’s lots of different stuff out there. You know, backdoor Roth IRAs, Roth conversions, Roth 401, K’s


Rebecca Powers 22:52

59 ½ rule.


Brian Quaranta 22:54

59 ½ rule, 72 T, 55 Rule. I could go on and on with all these tax strategies that nobody’s being told about. Because this is not the conversations that people are having with their advisors, the conversations that people are having with their advisors is we have you in this diversified portfolio. And here’s what it earned; you know?


Rebecca Powers 23:12

And here’s your average rate of return is not actually the yield. Yeah, but we’ll just make you feel good by saying average rate of return.


Brian Quaranta 23:20

But, you know, you bring up a really great point. And I was just kidding this in one of my courses the other day. And I said, Look, if you had if you had $100,000, okay, and let’s suppose in the very first year, you took a 50% loss. So now you take out $100,000, you lose 50%. Now we have $50,000, right? Now, let’s say the next year we gained 50%. Well, basic math tells us this, if I have a minus 50 and a plus 50. And I say what the average rate of return is 00. That’s right. So, you would think that at the two year average on an investment that 0% would mean if you put in 100,000, you still have 100,000, right? But that doesn’t work out that way, when you apply it to dollars. So, let’s go through it again. $100,000, you lose 50%, you go to 50,000. But now you gain 50%. But you’re only getting 50% on the 50,000.


Rebecca Powers 24:15

Right, so there’s your compounded loss, because you’re only gonna go up $25,000.


Brian Quaranta 24:19

Or back to 75,000, which means you still have a minus 25% loss, and that’s your yield to match your yield not zero. But guess what the mutual fund companies can legally do. They can legally put on there that they had a minus 50% loss and a 50% gain. They can say our two-year average is zero and it’s misleading to the client.


Rebecca Powers 24:38

See, it’s an, it’s another thing that we talked about that consumer protection.


Brian Quaranta 24:43



Rebecca Powers 24:44

I mean, call your legislators, seriously. That’s what it comes down to.


Brian Quaranta 24:47



Rebecca Powers 24:48

because that’s who is allowed it. Well, the laws are written that way the hidden fees there. It’s all it’s rampant.


Brian Quaranta 24:54

Correct. And the other thing is, and I again, I talked about all this in the book, but there’s a law that says As that a mutual fund, okay? If it is selling itself to the public, okay? Has the fine. What it does meaning it has to define word technology fund, we’re a growth fund, we’re a Value Fund, and it has to stay 80% invested at all times. So even if that mutual fund has stocks that are going down in value that they should be selling, by law by prospectus the way that they filed that investment, by law, they have to stay 80% invested at all times. Wow. And this is the difference between using traditional mutual funds, versus using money managers, like Secure Money Advisors, where we have professional managers that don’t have to be here to stay in 80% invested at all times. And this is why most people are told, don’t worry about it hang in there, you’re in it for the long haul. Because they can’t get out because they find that they’re in has to stay 80% invested. Whereas if you’re working with a fiduciary, that’s professionally managing it, they can move that money out, right and go on the sidelines for a period of time, that makes a big difference sometimes for people. And these are the things that people just don’t know about. Absolutely, they just don’t know about the other rule. And law is something called Cherny. And nobody knows that investment. A broker, if he puts together a diversified portfolio of mutual funds for you. If he moves that money around too much with different mutual funds in a certain period of time, that’s called churning, okay, okay. So even if he wanted to move it around, he’s putting himself in a legal situation that he could have liability for churning and lose his license. So, think about that, wow, the law is working against the client. The law is working against the client. And that again, this is why it’s so important that people work with a fiduciary firm, folks, the one thing I’ve always been proud of is that secure money advisors is a fiduciary firm, we’re held to the highest standard of ethics, and we have to do what’s in the client’s best interest. The fiduciary is also educated at a higher level to help understand the planning process. And this is why I want you to take advantage of the right track retirement analysis because it is going to be eye opening for you. It’s going to be informative. To schedule this, all you have to do is call 1-888-382-1298. Our team is standing by to take your call and get you scheduled. Also, as a bonus, I’m going to send you a copy of my book complimentary absolutely free. I pay for the shipping and handling. Call Today 1-888-382-1298. And schedule with us. We’ll see at the office and we’ll see you sometime again next week, I guess.


Rebecca Powers 27:35

Right? Yes, absolutely. And thank you so much for joining us. There’s a number again 888-382-1298 We’re kind of still at the beginning of a new year. It is the perfect time, especially after what you saw going on in the markets last year. Make sure your money is safe. We’ll see you next time.