Episode 100 – Rules to Follow for a Successful Retirement

Neil Mager discusses how to maintain an appropriate asset allocation plan, the rule of 100, and other retirement strategies to follow in order to ensure a financially secure retirement.

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Radio Show Transcript

Announcer  00:00

information provided is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute investment tax or legal advice information has been obtained from sources that are deemed to be reliable, but their accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. Neither Brian Quaranta nor his guests are liable for the usage of information discussed always consult with a qualified investment legal or tax professional before taking any action.

And now, Retirement You Radio

asset protection, tax reduction, holistic planning

featuring Pittsburgh’s wealth financial and income coach: Brian Quaranta.

Steve  00:38

Welcome everybody, this is Retirement You Radio increasing your financial IQ with BrianQ except today, we’ve got Neil M. So, Neil Magers here in for Brian Quaranta. And Neil, of course, is a fiduciary and Secure Money Advisors as well works with Brian. And coming up on today’s show. We have got, you know, some- we’re gonna look at retirement and talk about some things that we need to- rules we need to follow. And I know a lot of us don’t want to be following a lot of rules, especially right now. But the good news is, these rules are going to help you get to retirement. So, we’re going to go through that. And if you want to get started right now it’s 800-656-8616. That’s 800-656-8616 you can also text BrianQ, that still works, BrianQ to 21000 We’re gonna get things started right after this. Welcome, everybody, this is Retirement You Radio increasing your financial IQ with BrianQ. I’m consumer advocate Steve. Sitting in for Brian Quaranta today is Neil Mager. Neil is a fiduciary. He’s a senior advisor at Secure Money Advisors. You’re no stranger to the show, Neil, we’ve worked together before. How are you?

Neil Mager  01:52

I’m good, Steve, how are you?

Steve  01:53

Very, very well, thanks. And this will be a good show. We’ve got rules that we have to follow. And I know that, you know, we’re hearing rules we got to follow from all kinds of places these days. And some of us are a little more resistant than others. But these are rules that are going to get us to retirement. What do you think?

Neil Mager  02:09

Absolutely. Yeah, we were all dealing with new rules, obviously. But these rules for retirement are really important. Let’s start with maintaining an appropriate asset allocation. Now, what does that mean? So, when. So, when you’re when you’re getting near retirement, when you’re in retirement, you want to make sure that you don’t have too much exposure to equity positions that could cause you to have to alter your retirement, change your retirement plans. That’s a big one, I hear that all the time people come into their, into our office. And, you know, they’ve really never sat down and built a retirement plan. They’re continuing to utilize their investment plan that they had during their working years. And what happens is, we see an instance where March occurs. And what happens is they change a lot of future plans, you know, change vacations, change the purchase of a new car, a second home, things like that. So, you want to really make sure that as you move into retirement phase, your plan also has to shift. And you want to make sure that you don’t have too much exposure, too much loss involved with the plan. On the other hand, you also want to make sure that you know, you are invested, you can’t take all this money and put it under a mattress to make sure that you don’t suffer any losses, you want to make sure that you have a portion built, that’s going to generate your income stream. And really, that portion should be safe and protected. Getting reasonable rates of return, have really about 10 to 15 years’ worth of money there. And then what you want to do is, is take the difference and invest it in a little bit more aggressive type vehicles to make sure that you’re keeping pace with inflation. Sure. A simple rule of thumb that we’ve always kind of talked about, it’s the CFP CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNING model, it’s called the rule of 100. Basically, if you’re 65 years old, 100 minus 65 35%, is the difference. That’s the money that you invest into the market to make sure that you’re keeping pace with inflation, getting those higher rates of return. But what you’ve done there, Steve, is you bought yourself time for the investments to grow. But also, if you went through a market downturn, you’re able to come back from it.

Steve  04:31

And so, as we look at this, you know, we don’t want to take out too much too fast from too many accounts. I mean, you know, going at this thing willy-nilly is really not the right way to go, is it?

Neil Mager  04:42

Absolutely Steve and we want to make sure you know we’ve built the plan first. I mean, that’s always the key component. And you know, people come in and what they want to do is maybe pay off a home and they want to withdraw $175,000 to pay off a mortgage, and you know, that’s really going to impact your investments. And if you’re going to need income on down the line, you know, how does that $175,000 that you just pulled out impact your overall savings and what you’re going to be able to withdraw from the account in the future?

Steve  05:15

Sure. So, it comes down to what a purpose determines place. But in other words, why you Where are you going? How are you going to use that money determines where you put it in the scheme of things?

Neil Mager  05:26

Yeah, absolutely. Steve, I mean, once again, start with a plan, develop how much income you’re going to need on a monthly basis, identify all of your guaranteed streams of income that are going to be coming in and work off of that, look at how much you’re spending on a monthly basis. You want to be really dialed in with that some of the things that come up with spending is, you gotta uncover some of the things that maybe you’re not thinking about, you know, how much is healthcare going to cost? That’s a huge expense for most retirees. And something that a lot of people, unfortunately really aren’t taking the time to plan for. And to make sure that they’re also working with a Medicare professional, to take a look at what healthcare options are available.

Steve  06:15

Well, and again, you talk about Medicare, and again, we could spend a whole day talking about Medicare, I suppose. But that really is, I mean, you know, I’m looking at the TV commercials every everyone from you know, Joe Namath to Cathy Rigby are pushing Medicare plans on how do I know what’s right? And is that something that you, at Secure Money Advisors can help us with?

Neil Mager  06:36

Yeah, I mean, Secure Money Advisors was really built for a one-stop shop for retirees. So, we’ve partnered with financial professionals, in retirement professionals in all areas to make sure that it’s really easy for our clients to make sure they’re able to complete the plan. So, we’ve partnered with attorneys to make sure that our clients can get their legal documents complete. And we’ve also partnered with healthcare experts. And what we want to do is just make sure that they’re able to pick the right plans, that the plans that they’re choosing and utilizing, protect them for, you know, whatever prescription drugs they might need, or doctors they may like. So, it’s really important to work with not only a financial professional, but also experts in other fields for retirees.

Steve  07:29

Right. Well, again, I think that’s a great concept, the one-stop shop at Secure Money Advisors, I mean, that is something that not all advisors offer.

Neil Mager  07:38

Definitely not. And Steve, you know, our clients frequently tell us how important it is to have those partners to just, you know, have a trusted expert in making sure they get their legal documents, helping them pick the health care plans, all of that.

Steve  07:57

All of that is absolutely and folks if you’d like to get in now would be a great time to give us a call, give Neil a call and get on the calendar while there’s some spots.

Neil Mager  08:06

Yeah, absolutely. Steve for the next 10 callers who call in right now we’re going to create a one-page financial review, that will indicate if you’re in need of a full-blown financial plan. We’ve seen others charge up to $1,000 or more for similar features or offers, but we’re gonna give this review to you at no cost, no obligation for the next 10 callers. What this will consist of is taking the mystery out of financial planning for you by mapping out exactly where you are right now. We’ll also run a free report to help you untangle what working with your current planner or advisor is costing you and see if by simply protecting your retirement investment, you could experience dramatic growth potential. We’ll also perform a tax analysis to reveal how you could possibly reduce your taxes in retirement, we’ll do a customized income plan, utilizing proven strategies and techniques which could turbocharge your retirement income and take the worry out of living in retirement. In short, we will take the guesswork out of financial planning. So, Steve for the next 10 callers that’s a comprehensive financial review that we’re going to give away complimentary no obligation.

Steve  09:18

800-656-8616 You heard Neil the next 10 callers are going to get that comprehensive financial review. You see where you stand today, of course, but most importantly, you’ll end up with that roadmap, that guide that can really help get you to where you need to be when it comes to retirement. So, in short, you got nothing to lose call right away the next 10 callers 800-656-8616. Again 800-656-8616 or just text BrianQ, that’s BrianQ, all one word, to 21000.

Neil Mager  09:49

We often talk about retirement savings tools. In this segment, we’ll go over some choices along with the pros and cons of each.

Steve  10:05

Welcome back, everybody. This is Retirement You Radio increasing your financial IQ with BrianQ. Well, Brian Quaranta taking some well-deserved break this weekend. And we’re joined by Neil Mager, Neil is Senior Advisor with Secure Money Advisors, no stranger, though we’ve been to doing shows together before. And I, you know, again, this is going to be an interesting segment. I think of as sort of like a retirement one on one. And, you know, as we put our, you know, we spend our whole life it seems, saving for retirement. And, and there’s the biggest tool out there right now, I think, for most of us is the 401K. So, let’s kind of look at the 401K maybe kind of break down what it is and how it really works.

Neil Mager  10:45

Yes, Steve, I think, you know, let’s think let’s just talk for a second about retirement planning today versus maybe 30 years ago when your parents retired. Okay. And, you know, what, what typically they had available to them was employee-sponsored pension plans. Right, right. So, when they retired, they got a check every month, on top of Social Security from their pension from their employer. And, you know, they save some additional savings on top of that typically took it down to the bank, got a really nice, safe rate of return. Now, that’s no longer the case for most of us. And what we’re left to do is save our own money to create our own pensions for retirement. And really, the 401 K is probably the most common type of employer-sponsored retirement plan, probably the easiest route to take as far as saving, because what you’re doing is, you’re taking money directly out of your paycheck, and saving it, right? You don’t have to get involved in, in taking money home, and then determining how much you should save. This is automatically reduced from your paycheck, you can contribute a significant amount each and every year $19,500, 2020-2021, plus an additional $6500, if you’re 50 or older, a lot of times our employers match these contributions, which is basically free money, which is really important. Now, those all add up to really gonna benefit us because this is how we’re going to create our pension in retirement.

Steve  12:30

Right. And the 401k really is a pretty good tool and a pretty good vehicle to help get us there. And there are some things, but there are, you know, pros and cons. Can we go through a couple of those?

Neil Mager  12:41

Yeah, so you know, one of the pros I just mentioned is high contribution limits, right? tax savings, you get the employee matching. Sometimes if you needed a loan, you can get a loan from your 401 K. Sure. Now, there’s also challenges with the 401 K, and typically for folks that are getting near retirement. So, one of those, those cons of a 401k is the limited investment options. So typically, your employer, employee sponsor, employer sponsored plan has 10 to 15 options available within it. So, what we see in one of the folks that came in earlier this week, you know what they had that they’ve approached the age of 59 and a half. So, they have $750,000, sitting in their 401 K. And what they came in and said to me was, you know, I’m two years from retirement. And I’m not sure the investment options that are available within my employer sponsored plan are the vehicles to make sure that I’m still able to retire within two years. So, what we did is we move their money to an IRA. This way we have the ability to shop the entire marketplace, got them geared with investments that will be beneficial for retirement helped make them more conservative with growth potential. But that’s definitely a con to a 401k. Okay, so you just don’t have as many options. So, what a lot of people do when they get to that magical age of 59 and a half, they say, “you know, what are the other options available? What should I be doing?”

Steve  14:24

Well, and that takes us right into what an IRA is. And if you don’t have access to a 401K, you’re certainly going to have access to an IRA and as you said, we can take that money from the 401K, roll it into an IRA. Let’s talk about that for a second and just what sort of impact that can have.

Neil Mager  14:40

Yeah, so when you want to move from the 401 K, your best option is an IRA no taxes, no penalties in shifting to an IRA. You know the advantages you have a wide variety of investment options so you can basically do anything that you chose to do instead of being limited to What’s available within your 401 K IRAs, if your employee employer doesn’t offer a 401 K, you can contribute to an IRA on your own and get some tax-deferred savings built up, you can contribute $6,000, if you’re under the age of 50, above the age of 50, you get an additional $1,000. So, it can be a really great way to save for retirement. But also, once you leave an employer, or you are starting to get closer to retirement hit that magical age of 59 and a half, you can remove the funds.

Steve  15:36

And one of the things I know that you’re doing at Secure Money Advisors is helping us take some of that money that might be in an IRA and converting that into a Roth.

Neil Mager  15:45

Yeah, I mean, almost everybody that comes into our office anymore has heard of Roth IRAs. And they are really powerful accounts. I mean, we kind of take a look at it as “Do you want to pay taxes on the seed, or the harvest?” Right, Steve? So, you know, Roth IRAs, after-tax dollars, but everything grows entirely tax-free. So really, really important way to go about making sure that when tax rates do go up in the future, if they do go up, you have the additional cash flow available to you.

Steve  16:22

Absolutely. Well, Neil, once again, we’re up against the clock. We’re gonna have to play some music here. But first, why don’t we invite folks to give us a call and get on the calendar.

Neil Mager  16:30

Yesterday for the next 10 callers who call in right now we’re going to create a one-page financial review that will indicate if you’re in need of a full-blown financial plan. We’ve seen others charge up to $1,000. for or more for similar features or offers, we’re going to give this review to you at no cost or obligation to the next 10 callers. This will consist of taking the mystery out of financial planning for you by mapping out where you are now. We’ll also run a fee report to help you untangle what working with your current planner advisor is costing you what the funds that you’re in are costing you. And by simply protecting your retirement investment. Could you experience dramatic growth potential. We’ll also do a tax analysis to reveal how you could possibly reduce your taxes. We will even run a customized income plan, utilizing proven strategies and techniques which could turbocharge your retirement income and take the worry out of living in retirement. In short, we will help you take the guesswork out of retirement planning. So, Steve for the next 10 callers that’s a comprehensive financial review. And we’re going to give away complimentary no obligation. Pick up the phone and give us a call.

Steve  17:45

Make the phone call 800-656-8616. You heard Neil, the next 10 callers are going to get that comprehensive financial review. You see where you are today. But most importantly, when you walk out, you’ll have a roadmap in your hand that can help get you to where you need to be when it comes to retirement 10 collars right now 800-656-8616 Again 800-656-8616 or just text BrianQ all one-word BrianQ to 21000

Neil Mager  18:13

spending in retirement for some reason it’s a struggle to go from savings mode to distribution mode, some tips on how to loosen the purse strings and keep your retirement on track when we come right back.

Steve  18:35

we are back on retirement you radio increasing your financial IQ with Brian to sitting in for Brian today is Neil Mager. Neil is a fiduciary at Secure Money Advisors. And one of the things that we’re talking about Neil is, you know you I mean you. I mean I’ve worked with Brian for a long time, and I know he has really taken pride and taking steps to make sure he’s got the right team together. And that really involves you and others because it’s just a really good bunch of folks.

Neil Mager  19:03

Yeah, I appreciate you saying that, Steve. And I think that is definitely the case. I think a lot of people comment on that. And it’s really important that, you know, we do have the right staff in place because you know, what we do here at secure money advisors, we like to work as a team. So, we get everybody’s input on a lot of different things. And it’s really helpful to run a successful business. And we get compliments all the time from our folks saying, you know, how much they enjoy working with, you know, the new business team or the associate advisors or whomever it may be. Brian’s really built a great company. But also, you know, most importantly, it starts with people.

Steve  19:49

Yeah. And again, the right people like well, I mean, you’re certainly among them and so this is this one, Neil, is something that sort of surprises me, but it doesn’t at the same time. We talk about having to loosen the purse strings. And I guess it’s just because we’ve had this mindset of, we’re having to save, save, save, save, save, and then we finally get to retirement, which is what we’ve been saving for and we’re hesitant to spend that money.

Neil Mager  20:12

Yeah, I mean, I see it all the time, Steve, you know, people come in and, you know, they’ve saved and accumulated all these funds to build themselves a pension in retirement. And what they do is they refuse to spend their money. And, you know, a lot of times it’s because they haven’t taken the time to build a true written retirement plan. They’re continuing to utilize their investment plan. And the problem with that is, they consistently say, “Well, what if there’s a big market correction? I don’t want to spend any money. Or what if I have a health event? I don’t want to spend any money.” So they keep making excuses on these reasons that they will not spend what they’ve worked so hard to accumulate. And, you know, it’s really kind of sad, because all the things that they promised themselves that they would do in retirement, guess what happens? They’re don’t do them. And then guess what happens, Steve?

Steve  21:12

Well, then they pass away, and the money’s still there.

Neil Mager  20:14

They pass away. Yeah. And the money’s still there, and the money goes to the beneficiaries and the beneficiaries end up joining the country club and buying the boat, and the hunting camp and doing the travel. Right.

Steve  21:27

So Neil, let me ask you this. So do you think because I think back to my grandparents who, you know, went through the Depression, and even my parents to a certain extent, but there was a mindset of you had to save everything, you couldn’t throw anything away, there was no waste. Do you think that’s a generational thing?

Neil Mager  21:43

Yeah, I certainly do, Steve, I mean, it’s definitely a generational thing. And also just, you know, how you were raised. I mean, if you saw your parents be very conservative, you know, keep their money under the mattress, you know, typically, that’s how you’re going to be in your retirement years. So, it’s certainly a mindset. And you know, at Secure Money Advisors, our goal is to build you a plan that is based more around mathematics and hypotheticals. And when we’re able to do that, a lot of times our clients are able to loosen those purse strings and start to actually, you know, utilize the cash flow model that we’ve built.

Steve  22:26

Right. And that’s really what it’s all about. And you talk about, you know, what, you’ve helped us set up this budget, in other words, what our spending plan is in retirement, and we just need to make sure that we’re spending that and if we’re not, then maybe we need to revise that budget.

Neil Mager  22:41

Yeah, exactly. I mean, when we sit down with folks, one of the first things that you want to do is understand how much money are you spending each and every month? Now, I get people that come into the office all the time. And they tell me they spend $3,000 a month, and I say, does that include food? No. Does that include your car insurance? No. So the problem is they forget about a lot of the things that, you know, aren’t top of mind, right? So, the best way to create a budget is go back over your bank statements over the past 12 months and get a good feel for exactly what’s come in and what’s gone back out the door. And that’s really going to give you your idea of what your budget actually is. How much do you need on a monthly basis? Because if you just give me a number, what you’re going to do, you’re going to forget a lot of things, you know, the birthday party that you went to that you’ll continue to go to throughout retirement, the wedding that you went to all those things that add up that you want to make sure that you budget for.

Steve  23:39

Yeah. And again, but that’s the beauty of working with an advisor. I mean, you’re a fiduciary firm, you’re a fiduciary, that means you’re looking out for us always your independence, you’ve got a lot of options out there. You’re not beholden to anybody. And you know, there’s a lot of experience that secure money advisors and those things combined. Make for you know, a great marriage, if you will, between the client and you guys to help us make sure one we get to spend that money and two, we stay on track.

Neil Mager  24:07

Yeah, exactly. Steve, those, those are the types of questions that a lot of people are asking us. Are you a licensed fiduciary? Yes, all advisors at Secure Money Advisors are licensed fiduciaries. Are you independent, that’s important to folks, because they don’t want to feel like they’ve been put into a certain product, just because the managing partner of the firm has said that’s the product of the month. Right? So, it’s really important that we have complete autonomy in being able to utilize the right investment vehicles for folks based on their needs.

Steve  24:42

Sure. And again, what we are up against the clock already, Neil, why don’t we invite folks to call us one more time and we will get them on the calendar as soon as we can.

Neil Mager  24:49

Yeah, we got a really great offer. For folks today. Steve the next 10 callers who call in right now, we’re going to create a one-page financial review. That will indicate if you’re in need of a full-blown financial plan, we’ve seen others charge up to $1,000 or more for similar features or offers, we’re going to give you this review, no cost, no obligation to the next 10 callers. Now, this will take the mystery out of financial planning for Matt, by mapping out where you are right now, we’ll run a free report to untangle what working with your current financial planner or advisor is costing you and see if by simply protecting your retirement investment, could you experience dramatic growth potential, we’ll also perform a tax analysis to reveal how you could possibly reduce your taxes. We will even run a customized income plan, utilizing proven strategies and techniques which could turbocharge your retirement income and take the worry out of living in retirement. So, in short, Steve, we’re going to take the guesswork out of financial planning the next 10 callers that’s a comprehensive financial review, totally complimentary, no obligations, folks, pick up the phone right now. Give us a call, get on our calendar.

Steve  26:02

That sounds like a great idea. Neil, 800-656-8616. That’s the first step. Make that phone call chance to come on in, sit down, put that financial roadmap together, Neil and the folks at Secure Money Advisors can take that complex financial world and turn it into something that just makes sense. Here’s that chance to get a true practical financial review; starts with a phone call, 800-656-8616. You heard Neil the next 10 callers are going to get that comprehensive financial review, you’ll see where you are today. But most importantly, it then becomes a roadmap that can help get you to where you need to be when it comes to retirement 800-656-8616 Again 800-656-8616 or just text BrianQ all one-word BrianQ to 21000

Neil Mager  26:49

Time once again for questions from listeners. That and more when we come right back.

Steve  27:03

We are back on retirement you radio increasing your financial IQ with BrianQ. Brian Quaranta taking a well-deserved break this weekend. And filling in for him is Neil Mager. Neil is a fiduciary. He’s a senior advisor at Secure Money Advisors. And, you know, you got the gift of gab there, Neil, and we’re having a great conversation. And they’ve covered a lot of ground on a lot of different topics. But that really is what you do every day, isn’t it?

Neil Mager  27:28

Yeah, we really do. Stephen and I enjoyed being here with you this morning. But you know, we see a lot of new people each and every week at our office. And, you know, we really love hearing people’s stories and figuring out you know, how and in which ways we can help folks make sure that we can put their retirement dreams into reality.

Steve  27:47

Well, you’re like putting the pieces of the puzzle together, I kind of get that from you just sort of seeing the big picture and things start falling into place, it’s got to be a lot of satisfaction in that.

Neil Mager  27:56

Yeah, I mean, that really is the greatest satisfaction is just being able to piece the puzzle together in ways that people don’t understand and really aren’t sure how to do. And when it comes together and they see it, you know, we get so much satisfaction from, you know, their faces. And, you know, typically, once or twice a month, we have someone with tears in their eyes, good tears, Steve. You know, just because they’ve worked so hard, they’ve sacrificed over the years, and now they’re actually seeing this big picture, and are at the point where they’re no longer going to have to trade their time for money. And you know, it’s really satisfying to be able to help folks do that.

Steve  28:41

What drove you or what brought you to the financial industry and to do what you do today,

Neil Mager  28:46

You know, Brian, and one really helped, you know, drive me because of the firm that I work at, you know, our philosophy here is really, you know, do our best to help people. And so, you know, when you work at a place like this, where you your goal is helping people not making commissions or making fees or anything like that just focused on helping people. You know, in reality, it’s almost like probably the feeling that a doctor gets, you know, a doctor is helping people each and every day, right? We feel the same at Secure Money Advisors helping people in a different way. But it’s really satisfying when you’re able to show people the things that we show people,

Steve  29:33

Right. Well again, and that mean obviously you’re very good at what you do, and it makes you happy. And that really is a big part of the job as well. And I work with a finance. I work with financial advisors all over the country. And one thing one of the things that seems to be a theme throughout all of them. Nobody is ever going to retire. I mean, you guys as advisors, you just keep working.

Neil Mager  29:54

That’s true. That’s very true. Yeah, I always talk about that with my wife, you know, when do I plan on retiring, never, I’ll never end up fully retiring. And, you know, just the other day I had some folks in, and their son is a senior in college, they asked if they could bring him up, because he’s, you know, taking the necessary courses to become a financial advisor in they asked if he could sit in on their appointment. So, it was a neat experience, just to kind of share the possibilities with him, the opportunities with him, what we experienced in the conference room each and every day. And I think, you know, made him really excited that he chose this career path.

Steve  30:34

Yeah, well, that’s very exciting, too. Because you end up you know, over the years, you become like a family.

Neil Mager  30:40

Yeah, we really do. And that’s what’s unique and special about it, Steve, I mean, just because of COVID this year, I mean, we’ve had to cancel, you know, a lot of our client events, right? And it’s a shame, because, you know, we love seeing our clients, and we’d love to kind of share those moments where we’re just kind of able to engage with them as people, you know, not as a client advisor relationship, but just people to people, because we’ve really developed special relationships with our clients.

Steve  31:09

Right? And well, and again, that becomes the fun part of it. And one of the things I think that’s important, too, when you say, you’re not going to retire, and I think, as a potential client, I’d want to I want to have that assurance that that, you know, Neil, you’re my guy, you’re gonna be there for me from now until I get retired, and then even through retirement, you’re still my guy?

Neil Mager  31:30

Yeah, exactly, Steve, and we do acquire a lot of new clients based on that fact. Because, you know, some of the other firms out there, they have a lot of turnover. And, you know, we’ll have people come in and say, you know, why I’m disappointed with XYZ firm, is the fact that I’ve been there for four years, and I’ve had six different financial advisors. And, you know, that’s disappointing to them. Because, you know, one advisor comes in has a certain philosophy, the next advisor has a totally different philosophy course. So, it’s tough for them to get on track and feel comfortable. You know, when you start working at secure money advisors, typically you’re a lifer. Right?

Steve  32:11

Well, that’s a good thing. And again, I think it goes, it’s a good thing. I think it just goes back to being you know, you can say it’s a bit cliche, but at the same time, it’s like, I got a guy, you know, financial world. Yeah, he’s my guy… or gal. I mean, you know, I know there’s a lot of women too, but

Neil Mager  32:26

Right, right. And we have a phenomenal female financial advisor here. But really, you know, becoming a lifer with a company is a testament to Brian, right?

Steve  32:35

Right, of course.

Neil Mager  32:36

And the team that he’s built here. So, you know, everyone, you know, really gets along well together, everyone really enjoys working here at Secure Money Advisors. And, you know, the type of work that we do is so satisfying, you know, and the clients and relationships that we’ve built with them, you know, makes it all worthwhile.

Steve  32:55

Yeah, well, absolutely. Well, time got away from us again, let’s, let’s go and invite folks to call one last time today, how about it?

Neil Mager  33:01

All right, Steve, for the next 10 callers who call in right now we’re going to create a one-page financial review that will indicate if you’re in need of a full-blown financial plan others out there charging $1,000 or more for similar features or offers, we’re going to give you this review, no cost no obligation for the next 10 callers. It will consist of taking the mystery out of financial planning by mapping out where you are right now. And where you’re headed. We’ll run a fee report to help you untangle what working with your current planner or advisor is costing you and also what the funds that you’re in are costing you. We’re going to take a look at simply protecting your retirement investment, you could experience dramatic growth potential. We’ll perform a tax analysis to reveal how you could possibly reduce your taxes or run a customized income plan, utilizing proven strategies and techniques, which could turbocharge your retirement income and take the worry out of living in retirement. In short, we’re going to take the guesswork out of financial planning the next 10 callers Steve, that’s a comprehensive financial review. Totally complimentary, no obligation. Folks, this is a really great offer. Pick up the phone right now. Give us a call

Steve  34:14

800-656-8616 You heard Neil the next 10 callers are going to receive that comprehensive financial review. You see where you are today. But most importantly, it becomes that roadmap to help get you to where you need to be. So, in short, you’ve got nothing to lose. Give us a call 800-656-8616 again, 800-656-8616 or you can also text BrianQ, BrianQ all one word to 21000 text BrianQ to 21000. Hey, Neil, as always, it’s a pleasure to be here, and again, great insight and great information today.

Neil Mager  34:49

Thanks for having me. Steve had a great time with you as always.

Steve  34:53

And we will certainly get together again. We want to thank everybody for listening and we appreciate that. We’re going to be back again next week with new topics, new questions, that and more right here on Retirement You Radio increasing your financial IQ with BrianQ.

Announcer  35:10

Information provided is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute investment tax or legal advice information has been obtained from sources that are deemed to be reliable, but their accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. Neither Brian Quaranta nor his guests are liable for the usage of information discussed. Always consult with a qualified investment legal or tax professional before taking any action.

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