Retirement You TV: Episode 35

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Video Transcript

Sarah Peterson – 00:21

Hello, and welcome to retirement you TV. I’m here with Brian Quaranta. I’m Sarah Peterson, your consumer advocate. Brian is the founder. So good to see Oh, it’s so good to see you, too. You’re just jumping right in here. So excited today to get into it. I think we got a lot to go, I always have a lot of questions for you. And I feel like I get through one quite well, I know, I know, which is a good problem to have. Well, you know, I believe in good education. Right. So so we’re gonna do it. Let’s do it and do it. Right. I wish this were part of our education that we all receive, because we someday just hopefully graduate from college and get our first job. And then we’re like, okay, now what?

Brian Quaranta – 00:58

Yeah, how many? How many adults are going into the workforce or even coming out of workforce that still don’t understand what a mutual fund is? Or, you know, how a stock works or what they can actually do with a 401k? Or what it actually is? You know, so yes, I totally do.

Sarah Peterson – 01:11

Yeah they don’t know. Well, you have simplified things into what you call the right track Retirement System. Which simplifying money is a difficult thing to do. But you’ve managed to do that. So maybe we could start with step one.

Brian Quaranta – 01:25

And you know, from there, you know how I simplify it, by the way, I use my mom. So when I come up with an idea of how I need to explain a complicated concept, I call my mother. And I say, mom, and my mom is in her 70s. Right? So I say, Mom, let me share this idea with you. And she goes, Oh, honey, that’s so easy to understand. why doesn’t everybody do that? And that’s when I know I got a winner on a way to explain something. So mom, thank you for helping me explain these complicated topics.

Sarah Peterson – 01:55

I love it. It all comes back to mom, by the way, right? It does for kids teaching that now. Yes. Okay, so I guess we would be remiss if we didn’t talk about income, this is a big portion of the pie, right? We all want to hopefully work our, you know, our long, healthy lives, and at the end, enjoy it in our golden years. You know, we talk a lot about retirement. And there’s a couple phases that happened within that portion of time. But when I retire, I want to go to Hawaii. Okay, right. So I need to make sure there’s income in there. So I can do my trip to Hawaii, and not take from what I actually need, which maybe is this.

Brian Quaranta – 02:28

Yeah, well, those those Hawaii trips, and you know that traveling around the world and going to Europe and all these places people want to go, that’s the bucket list that everybody wants to achieve. And they actually call those the gogo years. All right, the gogo years. And then we got the slow go years. And then we got the logo years. Right. So the GO GO years is really where you want as much cash flow coming in. And when we’re doing cash flow planning, this is where we might actually front load cash flow, we might want to actually create a larger sum of cash flow coming in, in the first maybe 10 years to 12 years. And then you get into your sluggo years, you can kind of cut back and then a no go years, you can really cut back even further. So this gives the people the ability to go out and do all the things they said they were going to do when they retired. And if you’re not living out your bucket list yet, you need to start doing that. Because if you’re not, it just means that you don’t have a good plan. Because if you had a good plan, and of course we didn’t have a pandemic that we dealt with first

Sarah Peterson – 03:26

was kind of had a lid on it under a bar in the corner. But now we’re taking the bucket back out.

Brian Quaranta – 03:32

That’s right. That’s really and that the right track Retirement System is all about getting people to live the life and the retirement that they want it to getting them on the right track. So they’ll do the things that they said they were going to do. Because here’s what happens. If you ask people what they want to do in retirement, most of them will say, I want to travel, I want to go to Hawaii. I want to go to Greece. I want to go you know to Germany wherever they have all kinds of different things. The big one right now is they want to do the train ride with the with the glass cockpit, right? So Oh, yeah, it’s really big right now. Talking about the PBS PBS PBS public television has this this train ticket, you can buy that you can basically go see the United States, it is really beautiful train with this glass top and everybody let’s not do it, like the next biggest thing, right? But these but by having a good cash flow plan, we can do these things. So if you ask people the things they want to do, this is what they’ll say, I want to join the Country Club. I want to buy a fishing boat, all kinds of things that we hear over the years. And here’s what happens. They don’t take the time to put together a plan. And then what happens is they die. And guess who goes on all the trips? Guess who joins the Country Club. Guess who buys the fishing boats? The kids do? The kids wind up using the money and they never use it right? So if you have four kids, right, you got to make sure you have

Sarah Peterson – 04:48

a good yes exactly which one that’s By the way, I’m sure. Right. I love this that you’re talking about though because we we have to deal with all the you know, inevitable situations that are going happen, we all know we’re gonna die at some point, we got to prepare for maybe the worst case scenarios. But in between there, we want to enjoy our lives and have some fun. And there’s a way to do both and plan for both.

Brian Quaranta – 05:10

Yes. And planning is the key having a written plan is key. And what I find is that most people do not have a written plan, they have a pile of stuff. And they have a lot of investments splintered, and splattered everywhere. But just because you own investments doesn’t mean you have a retirement plan or retirement plan is completely different structure than what we think about when we think about investing. So what most people have is what we call an accumulation plan, right? They’re there, they have stocks, mutual funds, they have company 401k, they’ve got self directed IRAs, all designed for growth, it’s all designed for growth. And the idea is, you could put as much you try to put as much money away as you can, every single year, try to get the best return that you can so that we retire, you have the biggest pile of money. But the mistake that people make is they keep doing the same things that they were doing their accumulation years, during their distribution years. And this is why the number one fear of most people in retirement is running out of money, because they’re using the wrong strategies at the wrong time. The entire game changes as you shift to distribution. And it’s so important that you work with somebody and a professional that focuses on that. There’s not a whole lot of people that focus on the distribution phase. I’ve been focusing on it for 21 years.

Sarah Peterson – 06:19

So this is important not to interrupt you. But for people who are watching who are going I already have a financial advisor. I have a stock market. I have this I that that is not the same thing as having a retirement plan. Yeah,

Brian Quaranta – 06:30

yeah, I have so many people come in, say, you know, I want to come in and talk to you, because my guide doesn’t do what you do. Well, I mean, we hear that a lot. Yeah, you know, and the thing is, is that people have relationships with advisors, and you know, their brokers and stuff like that. So I understand people’s hesitation to maybe, you know, not wanting to break up that relationship. But at the end of the day, you want to make sure that if you’re going into retirement, you’ve got the very best plan that you can have. I mean, I certainly don’t want to be driving the wrong vehicle in retirement, you know, so think about it. I mean, you know, let’s say you and I were going to head across the country. And we were going to drive from, you know, New Jersey to California, right. And let’s say we were going to take this train. Yeah, right. But let’s say let’s say let’s say as we go across the country, we may hit some weather, right, we may hit some winter, well, what’s going to be the best vehicle for us to take? Is it going to be the Corvette the Ferrari? Or is it going to be an All Terrain Vehicle, most likely, it’s going to be an All Terrain Vehicle. Most people’s accumulation ears typically have like sports cars in them, right? They’re they’re really fast, they move and, you know, they go and they go up and they go down. But when you get into retirement, you have to have an All Terrain Vehicle, because you have to expect that there’s going to be conditions popping up that are just not what you’re not expecting for. And that’s why you have to plan from worst case scenario. And you and I’ve talked about it many times in the show is worst case scenario is the most important part of the planning process. Because we can make bad things happen on paper, we make bad things happen on paper, we can actually solve problems, we can actually solve problems,

Sarah Peterson – 07:57

it’s like you were talking about on a previous show, I mean, getting our life insurance policy, we don’t want to think about it, we don’t want to assume that we’re gonna die tomorrow or next week or anytime soon. So maybe if we buy those things, and we get that insurance, then then those things don’t happen. But

Brian Quaranta – 08:10

absolutely, and you know, the right track retirement system really helps people determine what is needed, right. So as a licensed fiduciary, my job is to advise, not sell, not transact, is to advise with a plan, once we have a plan, and we actually know what we need. Now we can go plug in the proper financial tools to make that plan happen. And that’s number one thing that people are missing today is a really good written plan that has a cash flow Strategy, An asset allocation strategy, a withdrawal strategy, but the right track Retirement System is all designed to make sure that you can get through retirement with the peace of mind and confidence that you deserve. Most of the time. What happens when people come in is they’ll say, Brian, I’m not really sure when the clipsal security, or they’ll tell me, you know, I want to I want to retire but I’m not going to get a pension, I have a 401k. And I really don’t know what to do with this. And I’m going to need to generate income and they’re scared that if they start taking the money out of the account, they may run out of money. Other people will tell me Look, I can’t afford to take another market loss because I just don’t have the time to recover. the right track Retirement System addresses all of these issues. And five more which I’m going to talk about real quick. income taxes, right legacy, you got all kinds of different things. We will come back after commercial but you got to do your part. You got to schedule an appointment, you can’t kick the can down the road, you call 18883821298. Again, that’s 1-888-382-1298 take advantage of our complimentary no cost obligation appointment and we’ll see at the office

Sarah Peterson – 09:40

when we come back from commercial because I’ve always cutting you off. I’m so sorry. We will continue talking about the right track retirement system. There is so much more to talk about.

Commercial Break – 09:50

How confident are you in your current financial plan? Do you know with certainty how the recent market volatility will affect your future hopes and dreams? How much Are you paying in taxes? And how much are you losing to unnecessary high fees? You didn’t work to save this money so that you could spend your time worried in retirement. Now is the time to take charge of your finances so you can feel confident about your future call in during the next 30 minutes of today’s show only to set up an absolutely complimentary no obligation, full blown Financial Review that will result in your own customized written plan. This is a $999 value that we’re giving away complimentary to the first 10 people who respond. We’ll start with a full blown analysis of what you already have, by running a report to untangle how much you are currently paying in fees, how you’re allocated for risk, and what it’s costing to work with your current advisor. Next, we’ll identify your goals. Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Where do you want to go? And who do you hope to go there with? Is your current financial plan set up to get you there without mishap? Let’s design a roadmap to create a financial plan you can follow with confidence. Get the piece that so many people are missing from their retirement. Find out how having a written plan can make a difference to your retirement dreams. Call now to schedule your complimentary no obligation full blown Financial Review today.

Sarah Peterson – 11:24

Hello, and welcome back to retirement UTV. I’m here with Brian Korans. I’m Sarah Peterson. And Brian was explaining to us before I rudely interrupted him a commercial about his racetrack Retirement System, I’ve always interrupted you, I just have so much to get it, there’s so much to talk about. So you’re breaking it down to us. So we can really understand the different phases?

Brian Quaranta – 11:44

Yeah, there’s five of them. There’s income, right? Because that’s most important. I mean, how are you gonna get through retirement without income, you know, because the paycheck is gonna stop, you got to replace it somehow. Number two is taxes, because taxes will erode your wealth. And for most people, when they withdraw money from the retirement plans, they’re gonna have to pay taxes, I would prefer that they have a plan where they don’t pay taxes, okay. But most people who still do the planning and time to be able to take advantage of some of that stuff. And if there’s a possibility, I don’t have to pay them. Right, there’s a good possibility you don’t have to, right. Number three, is making sure you have a good investment mix. Okay, and you have the right strategy in place, because we talked about this on every segment on every show, I talked about it on my radio shows, I talked about the educational events, the accumulation plan is different than a distribution plan. There’s two different strategies that are there, and what got you through or what got you to retirement is not going to get you through retirement. Number four is a health care plan. What happens if you have a health event? What happens if all of a sudden your husband has a stroke? And they have to go to a nursing home? How are we going to pay those costs? Can we pay it out of the funds that we have? Do we have to find a way to pay for it through some type of resource, like a veteran’s benefit or something that you might be entitled to? Or are we going to have to have some type of insurance for it? I’m not a big fan of the insurance because it’s so expensive, and most people don’t qualify. But there’s a lot of other strategies other than that. And of course, number five is the legacy planning, you know, what good is it to make money over the course of your lifetime to leave the IRS is your largest beneficiary, the right track Retirement System addresses them all. And those are the five areas that everybody needs to make sure they dot the i’s and

Sarah Peterson – 13:12

cross the T’s. Well, the health care and legacy planning, I think are probably top of a lot of people’s lists these days, because 2020 was just such a nightmare for so many people. And I was told a story yesterday of a gentleman who had a $1.3 million bill from being in the hospital with, you know, battling COVID. And thankfully he lived but then he lived with a $1.3 million bill. That’s right.

Brian Quaranta – 13:33

That’s right. Yeah, you hear these stories all the time. And this is devastating to people because, you know, this is the things that will derail a retirement and get it off track. And it’s hard to get those things back on track when that happens, because there was no plan in place. A lot of times we have a plan in place, you can avoid a lot of those things from happening, or at least have a solution that if it does happen, it could potentially be fixed.

Sarah Peterson – 13:55

What about social security? I know a lot of people are just kind of, you know, they’re not aware of what their options are. It’s I’m 62 I need to start taking it. And that’s just not the case.

Brian Quaranta – 14:05

No, I mean, there’s there’s so many different filing strategies, not as much as what there used to be. Yeah, but I mean, you could delay taking Social Security, you know, and increase the amount you get the problem is if people want to retire, and that’s the only source of income they’re going to have. And they wanted the Lysol security, that means they’ve got to take more money out of their retirement accounts to do that. And sometimes it works. If you’ve accumulated enough money in retirement accounts. Sometimes you can do that and get the higher social security amount later. You know, other people with a husband and wife, you know, there might be opportunities for what we call a spousal bump where the spouse collecting off of her husband’s might get a larger amount than collecting for hers. If you’re divorced. There’s benefits for people that have been divorced, you’d have to be married for at least 10 years and divorce for two and you can start to collect your social security at the age of 62. Even if your ex spouse isn’t collecting, you can also collect off of your ex spouses if it’s higher. So there’s all kinds of different things that can be done and this is why it’s so important to work with a firm that understands the ins and outs and the different terms that you have in these situations.

Sarah Peterson – 15:07

And we talked in previous shows about beneficiaries. And if you do get a divorce, and you’re like status changes from single to married, or you get, and you don’t change your beneficiary, then

Brian Quaranta – 15:17

yeah, you could leave your ex wife with all the money, and we’ve seen it happen. We’ve seen it happen. I, you know, we do the educational events every Friday right now, we’re at the narcissi winery every Friday, which is a lot of fun. So if you know, if you get a chance, come out to narcissi winery, you know, you can go to our website, go to the Events tab and sign up for that. But you know, we talk about a lot of these things. And when I share stories of people being disinherited, you know, every time throughout the course of the year, there’ll probably be three or four people that will say that that situation is exactly what happened to me. And unfortunately, you can’t undo that stuff. I mean, you know, we talked about it in a couple show, you know, through a couple shows that the beneficiary form truly trumps every document you have, so it has to be done correctly.

Sarah Peterson – 15:57

It’s crazy. I mean, I know we’ve been with us, when we had, we had our first child, we sat down and kind of did this plan and the beneficiaries. And then second, third, fourth child comes in you think, okay, we’re gonna revisit this and, you know, yeah, life changes, life does change. Yeah, make sure you stay on top of things. Yeah, absolutely.

Brian Quaranta 16:13

Absolutely. And a lot of times, if your spouse dies, you’re gonna want to move your, you know, maybe your kids from contingent beneficiaries to primary beneficiaries, and split it up a little bit differently to take advantage of some of the inherited IRA rules that are out there today, where you can really eliminate a lot of taxes on that money at death by leveraging the inherited IRA. So, these are very important. And the right track retirement system is designed to dive deep into your current situation, so that we can really uncover some of these things that might not have been addressed, to make sure we really bulletproof your retirement, and make sure that it’s absolutely on the right track. And I always tell folks, you know, if you’re not on the right track, the better time to find that out is probably sooner than later, right?

Sarah Peterson 16:55

I mean, how frequently are people coming to you and saying, oh, here’s my retirement plan that I’ve already done? How frequently are they active

Brian Quaranta – 17:01

They actually have a plan that they’re showing you very, very, very few people, very few people. And a lot of times if they do have a plan, it’s an illusion. It’s not really a plan. It’s a nice booklet. It was printed off with some charts and graphs. Yeah, in color that makes it look like there’s a plan. But the here’s the thing. It’s not a plan, if you don’t understand. You know, and most people just don’t understand charts and graphs. Yeah,

Sarah Peterson – 17:28

yeah. And we have this money, we need to understand where it is. So this is what I love about what you’re offering is that this can be costly. You know, some people charge quite a fee for this, but you’re offering something complimentary for people to come in and bring what they have. And what is that? What do they need to bring to you when they come?

Brian Quaranta – 17:44

Yeah, what a great advantage for them to to be able to come in sit down with a licensed fiduciary at no cost. I mean, I’ve seen other people charge up to $1,000 or more for similar features that we’re offering on the show. So it’s something that I encourage people to really take advantage of. But you know, typically what we ask people to bring is, most importantly, a smile and a good personality, right? You know, 21 years of doing this, we just don’t want to work with mean people anymore. Right? So but you know, we’re, you know, we’re very successful practice very busy practice. And so, you know, we also want to make sure that if we’re onboarding people, as clients, you know, as number one, we can have a true impact, not only for them right now, but also in their financial future. So, number one, most importantly, bring a smile on a good personality. And number two is we’ll send you a list of what you need to bring, you don’t need to worry about it. There’s a few documents, you need to gather up some statements and stuff. But it’s so simple and so easy. Most important, is you just need to come with some questions that you haven’t because of concerns, and even if you don’t have questions, you think to yourself, you know, I don’t even know what to ask you, Brian. That’s okay. Because I know what to ask you. My team knows what to ask you. So take advantage of the right track Retirement System. It’s really designed for you to give you the confidence and peace of mind that you deserve in retirement, don’t kick the can down the road, you’ve got to do your part, pick up the phone, call the number 1-888-382-1298 schedule your complimentary meeting, there’s no obligation. My promise to you is this when you come in, you will leave knowing more than what you came in. And I will, I promise is that you will find a few things that will truly benefit your situation. So 18883821298 is how you can schedule again. I’ve seen other people charge up to $1,000 or more, we’re going to do this complimentary to you.

Sarah Peterson – 19:24

In my mind, peace of mind is priceless. So we need to get a short commercial break and when we come back, I want to go through some of the viewer questions with you.

Commercial Break – 7:33:00 PM

As a good saver, you’ve been putting away money during your working years. studies find that the biggest fear of retirees is running out of money. market volatility isn’t just a downward movement of stock prices. It’s the size and frequency of change. The more dramatic the ups and downs, the higher the volatility. This can put savers who are newly retired or a few years away from being retired at greater risk today generation of retirees is not receiving traditional pensions as our parents or grandparents did. Instead, we have retirement accounts such as 401 Ks or 403. B’s. These accounts typically expose your money to market risk. The last thing you want right before retirement is to lose a portion of the money you need for income. But how do you turn these accounts into a retirement income? Is it safe to keep all your retirement money sitting in the stock market? The last thing you want is to lose a portion of the money you need for income due to market loss. By working with a financial professional, you can learn how to turn a portion of your savings into an income stream for life and income for the life of your spouse if you’re married. We all have moments in our lives when we wish we had taken action sooner. Don’t let procrastination rain on your retirement parade. Act now before it’s too late. Please call our office to set up your no cost no obligation retirement income review today.

Sarah Peterson – 21:00

Hello, and welcome back to retirement You TV. I’m Sara Peterson. I’m here with Brian Quaranta, and we are talking all things retirement, I had a few viewer questions, I’m gonna jump in, because I can never get Yeah, go for it, go for it. We’ll get them all in. Okay. So we had a viewer that called in and asked about the 59 and a half rule what oh,

Brian Quaranta – 21:18

yeah, that’s a good one. So there’s a couple of 59 and a half rules. So first off 59 and a half is typically people know that at 59 and a half, you can start withdrawing money from your retirement accounts without paying a 10% penalty. But what we’re really talking about here is something called the 59 and a half in service withdrawal rule, this is a very special day, for a lot of people, they don’t even know it. So at 59 and a half, you are now allowed to do an in service withdrawal from your retirement account from your employer. So I’ll give you a great example a couple weeks ago, I had an individual come in work for a local company in Pittsburgh getting ready to retire got quite a bit of money sitting in a 401k plan, he’s not going to be retiring from his company for about five more years. The problem is the 401k plans typically are very limited to the options that are available within them. So the inservice withdraw the 59 and a half in service withdrawal allows an active employee at a company to withdraw their money and move it to a self directed IRA account where they can now have a lot more options and more strategies that are focused on retirement and cash flow prior to them retiring without incurring any taxes or penalties to do that. Really big advantage, self directed IRA, is

Sarah Peterson – 22:27

this different than a Roth IRA? That’s right, more of a traditional

Brian Quaranta – 22:32

right, you got it. So as long as they go from a retirement account, a qualified retirement account to a qualified retirement account, the IRS considers it no taxable. Non taxable. Yeah. So very, very special. We come up with the why and a half. Well, 59 and a half. The we’ve got we’ve got 72. Well, we used to have 70 and a half now we’ve got 72. For rmds. It’s government math, it’s government. Now, it’s all a mystery. Nobody knows.

Sarah Peterson – 22:55

rmds are another thing I think a lot of people are curious about, because the rules, there are complicated. I’m kind of speechless when I find out how they formulate these rules. But we are required to take that money out required.

Brian Quaranta – 23:07

Yeah. So you know, let’s say you have somebody come in, and you know, they maybe they don’t need to take any money out of their retirement accounts at all. Okay, that’s very few people anymore, right? So maybe there’s a little lucky few, they don’t want to take any money out their retirement accounts. And they say, you know what, we’re just gonna kick the can down the road, we don’t need this, we’re just going to give you the kids. Well, the IRS is tough. When you turn 72, you need to start paying up. And that’s what we call a required minimum distribution. So I’ll give you an example of how it currently works. So if you let’s say you had $500,000 sitting in an IRA account, and you turn 72, the divisor number is somewhere around like 27.4, which is like a life expectancy number. So you take 500,000 divided by 27.5. They know how long I’m going to live. Yeah, right, right. I know. So right. So now they say 500,000 divided by 27.4 is about $18,300, is what the individual is going to be required to pull out of their retirement account and pay taxes on it. Now, here’s the problem. Not only you got to pay taxes on the withdrawal, but you want to know what else it’s gonna impact, it’s going to impact the taxes under Social Security could impact them with the premium they pay on their Medicare. So with folks that don’t need the money from a retirement account, they’re even in a more of advantage to do tax planning, from the time that you retire all the way to 72. Because if you convert that money from taxable money to tax free, now, the IRS doesn’t require you to take an RMD. So there’s all these turns and twists that you have to weave in and out of and this is why we created the right track retirement system because it helps people get their arms around all of these moving parts.

Sarah Peterson – 24:38

Well, and we’re at a historically low tax rate right now. Right? So maybe taking advantage of the now because we only know what’s going

Brian Quaranta – 24:45

yeah, right observation. So the lower tax rates right now, who knows how much longer they’re going to be around, but as my good friend says, who’s an accountant, Brian, if there’s any time to pay taxes, it’s right now because they are on sale, and they’re never going to be as low as what we’ve seen. Um, so just take my personal situation, I convert as much money as I possibly can right down to get it from taxable to tax free. And a lot of times, you know, the past couple years because tax rates have been so low, I just rip the band aid off sometimes. And just, you know, winces in grimace and just, you know, take the pain from the IRS and, and know that the day is going to be much brighter in the future when I don’t owe them a dime, and I have all that money tax free. So those are the important things you want to think about.

Sarah Peterson – 25:28

Okay, so for the viewers at home who are watching and and thinking I might be ready, I think I have what I need, they’re gonna come to you what can they expect when they come in? Well, first off, they’re going to be greeted and welcomed by a very warm staff right there.

Brian Quaranta – 25:41

Yeah, there’s, there’s coffee, there’s cookies. I mean, you know, there’s Hershey nuggets. By the way, those Hershey nuggets. I know you’re a chocolate person. Oh my gosh, yeah. diction, right. So my favorite chocolate? Well, you know, it depends who’s buying the chocolate and see if it’s, if it’s me, I’m buying these Hershey nuggets. My wife is all into the organic chocolate, I just don’t think it tastes as good as Hershey trying to help you live. But you know, a couple nuggets a day Walmart, couple nuggets a day, keep the doctor away. So anyway, they’re going to be welcomed by a great team of people. And that’s how we operate, we operate what we call a diamond team. So the diamond team approach, really, we have a lead advisor, and then we have multiple advisors on the side. And then we have an associate advisor. And that diamond team is there to really help and assist these people a year in and year out. And a lot of times, some people might even I still am at the office quite a bit and still run a lot of the appointments. And so they might even have an opportunity to see me and work directly with me. But they’ve got to do their part, right, they’ve got to call. And folks, the right track Retirement System is truly all designed around giving you the peace of mind and the confidence that you deserve going into retirement. And through retirement. Most people will always ask me, Brian, what is the best time to click Social Security or they’ll say, you know, I can’t afford to take another big loss in the market because I just don’t have the time to make that money back. I’m going to teach you how to mitigate this risk and maximize all areas of your financial plan. But you again, have to do your part, don’t kick the can down the road. This isn’t a dress rehearsal, we don’t get a second chance at it. So call 18883821298 schedule your complimentary meeting. There’s no cost. I have seen other people charge $1,000 or more for what we’re going to do for you in this meeting. You’re going to get it at no cost, no obligation. There’s no pressure to do anything called 1-888-382-1298 and scheduled today.

Sarah Peterson – 27:29

I think if there’s anything we all need right now after this past year, it’s peace of mind. And that is priceless and complimentary is even better. Well, I didn’t get through all my questions, but I did get pretty good. Pretty good. So here’s the next time come back and see us on retirement You TV and you’ll learn so much more from Brian, You are such an educator and we also grateful for it. Good to see you. see you again next week.