On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 57

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Video Transcript

Cynthia de Fazio – 00:20

And welcome to On The money with secure money. My name is Cynthia De Fazio and I’m joined today by Brian Quaranta. He is president and founder of secure money advisors, as well as joined by Neil Major, senior investment advisor. Brian, let me start with you. How are you today?

Brian Quaranta – 00:33

Great. Good to see as always

Cynthia de Fazio – 00:35

great to see you as well. Neil, how are you?

Neil Major – 00:37

I’m well, Cynthia, how are you?

Cynthia de Fazio – 00:39

I am doing fantastic. Thank you so much. It’s always so exciting to be in the studio together. Because I know that you’re both so passionate helping people retire with confidence, retire comfortably, and most importantly, Brian being on the right track. Yeah, talk a little bit about what being on the right track mean?

Brian Quaranta – 00:54

Wow, a lot of people want to know, should I stay or go? Meaning? Should I keep working? Or can I retire? Right? That’s usually the big question. You don’t see retirement parties anymore, do you? I mean, now, I can remember my grandparents going to retirement parties. I felt like all the time. Oh, yeah. We’re going to Uncle Tony’s, you know, retirement party, we’ll go to Uncle Joe’s retirement. You don’t hear that at all anymore. And the reason is, is because nobody gets a pension anymore. So nobody knows when they can retire. The question is really well, when are they going to get around to getting a plan together? Because that’s typically what it hinges on. They want to meet with somebody to figure out, do they have the ability to retire? Do they have the money? If they do retire, they’re going to run out? What happens if they have a health event? They got to spend money? What happens if the cost of living goes up? All these variables that have to be taken into account, and the right track Retirement System, addresses all of those and helps mitigate the risk associated with each of those variables to help give the clients peace of mind going into retirement?

Neil Major – 01:50

I think that’s exactly you hit the nail on the head there. I think we’re at the end peace of mind. Yeah, is what it’s all. Yeah. And I think a lot of folks that are coming in, whether they’ve worked with a broker or just have the retirement account through their employer, what they don’t have as the peace of mind.

Brian Quaranta – 02:08

Yeah, because they don’t have the plan. They don’t have the plan, right? They, they first

Neil Major – 02:11

of all, have no idea who’s gonna pay me? Right, you know, when should I take Social Security? Right? And Social Security obviously, is not going to be enough? And who’s gonna pay me the balance? Right? And how do I solve that? And, you know, when we go through our process, and show people, you know, pretty simplistic spreadsheets, where they can kind of see how things are gonna work, how we’re gonna distribute the money to them. I think the number one thing is peace of mind. But obviously,

Brian Quaranta – 02:41

where that comes from that comes from the clarity of those spreadsheets. I mean, when you lay that out for people the way that we do, there’s clarity for the first time, they’re like, Oh, I get it. I see how that’s gonna work. I understand how we’re going to do that. Now, that makes perfect sense to me. Yeah. You know, I would probably say it. I know you hear this a lot, because I hear it a lot. They will always say, Gosh, I wish Oh, I wish I would have met you guys. 10 years ago. Yeah, I wish I would have met you five years ago. I’ve been retired already. Was nobody ever. Nobody ever showed this to me before. Yeah. You know, and that’s when we know we’ve got a good model that we’ve built. And what makes the model good, is it’s it’s nothing, you know, that is cutting edge. It’s basic fundamentals. But it’s basic fundamentals put in a very simple model for people to understand, you should be able to explain your plan, and our clients can explain their plan.

Cynthia de Fazio – 03:33

Yes. And don’t you call your mom and run the plans? As you said, Yes, I think that’s fantastic. Because it’s smart. You think about that, if you can explain to someone they understand, especially your mom. I mean, that’s not that she wouldn’t understand that, you know, what I know, right? It’s a great sounding board.

Brian Quaranta – 03:51

It’s a great sounding board, because cons, you know, financial concepts can be complex. And I think our industry, the financial industry is done a disservice to the consumer, because they tend to talk over the consumer said, yes. So the consumer gets confused. And unfortunately, a confused mind. The most dangerous part is it does nothing. Yeah. And doing nothing is the worst decision somebody could make, you know, approaching retirement or being in retirement. Yes, you know, because a lot of times people will just keep things the same. And their mindset and their strategies have to change when they approach and go into retirement because you go from an accumulation phase of accumulating money to a distribution phase where you now need that money to live off of. And so the way you position your investments, the way you protect your downside risk, you know, a lot of times people talk about, well, you know, what have been the returns of the portfolio. I’m not really concerned about the upside returns because the markets doing fine. Everything should do just well. I’m really concerned about what what’s your downside protection, because most people can’t afford a 25 or 30% loss. Five years out from retirement or in retirement, because it’s going to do a number of things. Number one, it’s going to delay their retirement, meaning they’re not going to be to retire. And they’re going to have to, you know, work for another four or five years until the markets recover or worse yet, and they’re going to have to come out of retirement, because the plan is not going to work. And that’s that’s not the way you want to approach it. And at secure money advisors, the right track Retirement System is all about getting them on the right track, giving them peace of mind clarity. And that’s true planning, and also protecting money too. And that

Neil Major – 05:29

nobody wants their entire retirement built on hypotheticals. Right.

Brian Quaranta – 05:33

Which, which the brokerage firms or the banks, the brokerage firms? hypotheticals can’t tell you how many hypothetical reports we’ve seen. And right though, they’ll give the client a report and say, Well, if you keep doing this, you’d have like $10 million, really, based off of what interest rate is, I mean, so the projections are just unrealistic. Very, very unrealistic. Our

Neil Major – 05:53

model is so effective, because we do the bucketing approach will really show folks Yeah. You know, how we’re going to generate cash flow, and what investments we need to utilize to be able to generate cash flow. And then we do have hypotheticals built into our plan, obviously. But it’s not purely hypotheticals. Right. Yeah. And

Brian Quaranta – 06:11

there’s a lot of guarantees that we build into the plan for sure is you have to have some known, right, there’s to you know, most people have an entire plan of hypothetical, right? So you can’t you can’t do that. I mean, you might be able to do it in your younger years. Because you know, you’ve got time, but when you don’t have time, you got to build some certainty into the plan.

Cynthia de Fazio – 06:28

Sure. That makes sense. Neil, what types of questions do you ask people when they’re first coming into the office? How do you how do you help assess what their right track would be?

Neil Major – 06:37

Well, the first question that I asked folks is, I really ask them, you know, what do you want to get out of today’s meeting? And how can I help you, you know, I want to understand, you know, the things that they’re starting to think about what brought them in today, and they start to, you know, give me a little bit of information. And then typically, that information, you know, ask further questions, and then more information starts to speak. Mostly there.

Brian Quaranta – 07:01

I mean, there are very common things that are being asked like, number one is, you’ll hear all the time, I don’t know when to collect my Social Security. Number two is I don’t have a pension and we need income. And we don’t know how to generate income. Number three is, we don’t want to take the risk. We were once taken, we don’t we don’t have the time to recover if the market goes down. And we’re not very confident in the markets right now. And, and we don’t want to take this much risk going in. So these are, those are the most common things you hear all the time. So when you do ask somebody, what are your primary concerns being here today? Those are the things they’ll typically tell you Sure, right. Don’t know when to collect social security don’t know how to generate income. I’m concerned about market volatility. I have no plan that I mean, we see 25 to 30 people a week at our office. And I would say about 85 to 90% of the people are going to start their meeting that way with those types of concerns. Yeah.

Cynthia de Fazio – 07:50

Which all circles back to what we first talked about people are afraid to run out of money. Isn’t that an AARP?

Brian Quaranta – 07:55

Yeah, yeah, yes, yes. Correct. Yes, that’s exactly right. 90 90% of the people that were interviewed, answered a question that AARP had posed and AARP said, What do you fear most running out of money or death, and 90% of the people said, they fear running out of money more than they feared death alone. And you know, the worst day of retirements not the day you run out of money, the worst day of retirement is a day you figure out you’re going to run out of money. Sure, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. And unfortunately, we’ve met those people, you know, and they’ve gotten poor advice over the years. They didn’t have a good strategy in place. And now their lifestyle, and what they’ve have saved and how they’re managing the plan is just it’s, it’s, it’s going right to a dead end road. And unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do to stop it at that point, because it’s just too far gone at that point.

Neil Major – 08:43

I mean, that’s a very common question that we get the offices, how much money do I need to save for retirement? Yeah. My brother tells me you need a million. My coworker tells me you need half a million. My neighbor says you need 2 million, right? It’s all over the map. But yeah, you know, really, it’s about, you know, what do you need on a monthly basis? And how do we go about reverse engineering to make sure that we can get you that money without ever coming to you later down the line saying, you’re going to run out of money? We don’t know how to stop it, because maybe you’re spending too much? Yeah. So

Brian Quaranta – 09:15

yeah, the first thing that we always do is we lay out an income strategy for somebody, most people, if you’re a married couple, you’re going to have social security at least right? So let’s just keep it simple and say that that’s in this case. Well, I you know, I had a couple come in last week, there are only two sources of income and retirement, were going to be social security. So you know, between the husband Social Security and the wife Social Security, they were going to be at about $60,000 a year. Okay. And then, but they needed about $80,000 a year to live off of. So that means they needed $20,000 a year in additional income. Well, there’s no pension there. There’s no rental income. You know, there’s no other sources. So where are we going to get that from? Well, they’ve got a 401k. There’s about 1,000,002 in there. So the question is, can we take two $20,000 a year from 1,000,002? Well, the answer is yes. But we can’t do it if 100% of that money is in the market, because, and I’ve said this a number of times, if you’re pulling money out of a stock investment, it’s very dangerous, because you have a risk that shows up called sequencing risk. This is the order in which you receive returns in retirement. So for example, if I retire at the top of a bull market, and I start pulling 20 grand out a year, and the markets not cooperating, and as I’m pulling money out, my account value is going down because of the money I’m pulling out, plus the market going down, I’m compounding losses, locking into losses. And now the reality of running out of money shows up. So you have to create time, if you’re going to be in the market. So that’s why we believe in splitting the money between two buckets, you have to have an income bucket, which a lot of times you can utilize an annuity to to generate income not in all cases, sometimes you might want to use some preferred bonds or some type of tactically managed portfolio. But an annuity can be a great simple, easy solution to use for an income. And then on the on this risk money, you still want to have some downside protection. So our portfolios we focus on we call a drawdown number. So what we’re trying to do is mitigate how far a portfolio could go down if the markets were to drop. So if you look at most people, most people when you look at their drawdown numbers, and most people don’t even know this number exist, but when we do the analysis, we show them that if the markets go down your portfolio based on historical data, right, and real facts, this isn’t us, this is our opinion, the math shows that there’s a 40% drawdown which means this portfolio go down 40%. And the question you always ask is, if the market went down 40% And you lost 40% of this money? Are you gonna be okay with this? People say no, absolutely not. We can actually, we can actually control that drawdown through a strategy that we use. And we can control that drawdown. So let’s say somebody doesn’t want to lose more than 10%. Well, we can build the portfolio to have a drawdown of a max of 10%. So these are all the different things we do to mitigate these risks. And that’s what our right track Retirement System is all about. It’s giving all of these different strategies in place to help mitigate the risk and give the client peace of mind.

Cynthia de Fazio – 12:07

Well, Brian, let’s go ahead and open the phone line. So you and Neil can make sure that you can have people on the right

Brian Quaranta – 12:12

track the right track is what it’s all about. If you’re not on the right track, when would you want to know. So take advantage of it’s not very often you get to sit down with a licensed fiduciary. But we are going to offer the next 10 people who call in right now, if you schedule right now you got to do your part isn’t the time to procrastinate, you are going to get a complimentary right track retirement review. When you come in, we’ll sit down, we’ll go through the five key areas with you. We’ll talk about your income, your taxes, your investments, your healthcare strategy and your estate strategy. But you got to do your part, pick up the phone right now. It’s 1-888-382-1298 to schedule that appointment today.

Cynthia de Fazio – 12:46

Brian, thank you so much, Neil, thank you so much to the viewers at home, the phone number call is on your screen. That number is 888-382-1298. We know you have a lot of questions for Brian O’Neill, about how to plan your perfect retirement, they have the answers for you, we have to take a very short commercial break, but don’t go anywhere. When we come back, we’re going to talk about some of the other things that go into that well designed, holistic retirement plan. Stay tuned.

Brian Quaranta – 13:10

So everybody can tell you how to invest your money. There’s not a lot of people out there and a lot of firms that can teach you how to use your money. Most people will also tell you that they’re scared. And the reason they’re scared is because they’re afraid of running out of money.

Neil Major – 13:24

The last thing you want to do is have a really good job and you’re in your 60s retire, be looking for work again in your late 70s.

Brian Quaranta – 13:32

The average person might say, well, a good portfolio would be a good mix of stocks, bonds and mutual funds planning. A good portfolio is all designed around the five key areas income, taxes, investments, health care and legacy planning,

Neil Major – 13:47

which we’re not just product pickers here. What we do best here as we build retirement plans,

Brian Quaranta – 13:52

nine out of 10 people when they walk through the door would ask us, we just want to know if we’re on the right track. And I always say if you’re not on the right track, when would be a good time to know it. Probably now,

Neil Major – 14:02

people you know can actually see a vision once we start to really build out their plan. This is about

Brian Quaranta – 14:09

you if you’re not getting what you need. And you feel that when you walk out of the advisors office, it’s time to get a second opinion. And you can’t get a second opinion from the person that gave you the first the difference at secure money advisors as a fiduciary firm, we help you manage the risk, build the income and give you the retirement

Cynthia de Fazio – 14:41

and welcome back to on the money with secure money. My name is Cynthia De Fazio and I’m joined today by Brian quanta. He is president and founder of secure money advisors as well as joined by Neil major senior investment advisor. Gentlemen, a wonderful show we’re having obviously talking about the importance of planning properly with peace of mind for retirement. But I also want to talk a little In this segment if we could please about the different pieces of that retirement pie that holistic plan that you put in place, Neil, what are some other factors that go into that pie?

Neil Major – 15:09

Well, what we’ve been talking a lot about on this show here today is how we go about approaching our different buckets of money. Right. Okay. And you know, it’s secure money advisors are focused on let’s have three buckets of money. Now we, for simplicity sake, blue, green, red, right? Yeah, the blue is our first bucket, that’s our bank money, right? Obviously, we all have a certain level of threshold that we like there some higher than others. That money there, we just want it to be liquid available. Safe, right? We can pay the bills with it. Our next bucket is you’re

Brian Quaranta – 15:43

telling me I need some blue money. Okay, so I need a little money. Yeah, what other color money do I need next is green,

Neil Major – 15:50

okay, green is gonna be your pension, it’s gotta be your pension bucket, you got to drive your income from the green bucket. Now, the green bucket, all we’re looking to do there is protect our principal and get safe, reasonable rates of return to be able to distribute income to ourselves. Okay, that’s it. Now, the red bucket is going to be our market risk bucket. And the reason that we still need risk bucket, even as we get older and older, is for inflation protection, for the fact that we went into long term care for if we had higher tax rates, and it started to decrease the amount of income that was actually in our pocket. So we have to make sure that we have some money in each right. And they all do something important for the other, you know, the green bucket helps the red bucket because it purchases time, because that’s our immediate income needs. Right? So we want to have a structure in place, little bit of money in each place. It provides a sound retirement plan.

Brian Quaranta – 16:54

Yeah. And I would say, you know, we have a, we have a board that will put these buckets on in the office, right? Blue, green, red, okay, what we want to do is, when people come in, we want to look at where the money’s at, does that account that you currently have belong in the blue bucket, green bucket, or red bucket. And so what we’ll do, by the time we’re done with the meeting is like, identify where all their money is, right? And a lot of times, what you’ll see is 99% of their money will be in the red bucket. And you’ll ask folks, is there anything that stands out to you with this picture? And they’ll say, oh, my gosh, there is a lot of money in that red bucket. And, you know, what we’ll also do is we’ll ask folks, you know, what’s the most important thing about this money to you, and they’ll say, why needed to generate income, the red bucket is not designed for income. So you got 99% of your money in the red bucket not designed for income, and how it typically they have zero money in the green bucket. So through this, again, this is conceptual, right, this is getting people to understand how to fundamentally structure their money in a very, very easy way. Rather than talking technical financial terms, we’re talking blue, green, red, right, which is very easy. So a lot of times people will come in, they’ll say, boy, my red buckets really grown, I probably should take some money from the red and move it to the green. And now you know, that people are understanding their understanding conceptually of what it means to rebalance to reality, because that red buckets getting too much in it. So that’s how we kind of approach the whole process of secure money.

Cynthia de Fazio – 18:26

And I love that because it’s so easy to understand when you can visually see it. And the colors. Perfect sense. Yes. So when you’re talking about the different buckets, let’s talk about kind of that money that goes in there. So obviously, you’re planning for taxes, inflation, would there also be long term care that you’re planning for? Brian? Yeah, it

Brian Quaranta – 18:46

really all starts with, there’s only four things our money can do for you, right? There’s only four things it can do. It can provide you with income. It can provide you with safety, it can grow, or it can be liquid. So first off, you got to determine out of those four things. What’s the most important? Yeah, typically, the way that people order is they’ll say, you’ll say, what, what, what’s number one for you, they’ll say I needed to generate income, you’ll say number two, what is it? Well, I still needed to grow. Okay, so number two is growing. What’s number three? They said, Well, I want it to be safe. And then number four is usually liquidity or access to the money. So once we understand how they order those four things that the money can do, now you can really start to understand how much money to have in each of those buckets. Yeah, right, based on those needs of the money because some people might say I just needed to grow well, that’s okay. Because they may have adequate income, so they may require more money in the red bucket. Right then the person before then the person before they might require more money in the green bucket. Yeah. Okay. And again, our clients think about their money in blue, green, red.

Cynthia de Fazio – 19:49

I love that. I love that

Neil Major – 19:51

and we always say, you know, purpose of your money determines the placement of All right, so like Brian said, if we know somebody has adequate in Calm, and they need growth. More money’s gonna be in the in the red. Yeah, if we know somebody a situation comes in where it’s complete opposite where they need a lot of income, a lot of pension money, you know More money’s gonna be in that green bucket right. So you know purpose determines place for

Cynthia de Fazio – 20:15

you. Thank you so much, Brian, I know that you and Neil have a very special offer to present to the viewers at home. Why don’t we talk about what that is once again, before we reopen the phone lines,

Brian Quaranta – 20:24

you have folks who have developed the right track retirement system to help give you protection and peace of mind and give you clarity on what to do with your retirement accounts. But you’ve got to do your part see for the next 10 callers who call on right now we are going to give you a complimentary analysis of your current situation by bringing you through our right tech track retirement review. It’s complimentary, it’s not very often you get to sit down with a licensed food, fiduciary. But we’re gonna sit down with you for about 45 minutes to an hour, really understand your situation and help you customize and even build out your buckets for you when you come to the office. But you got to do your part you got to call us today. Pick up the phone and schedule the appointment with us now. It’s 1-888-382-1298. Again, 1-888-382-1298.

Cynthia de Fazio – 21:09

Brian, thank you so much, Neil, thank you so much to the viewers that have the phone number to call is on your screen. That number is 888-382-1298. We know you have a lot of questions for Brian and Neal about how to plan your perfect retirement, they have the answers for you. Again, the number is 888-832-1298. We have to take a very short commercial break. But don’t go anywhere. When we come back. I do have viewer questions, and one of those could be yours. Stay tuned.

Brian Quaranta – 21:34

If I could help you increase your income. If I could help you pay less taxes. If I could help you potentially maximize the returns of your investments while reducing risk reducing fees if I could help you prepare for a health event or more importantly, when the good Lord decides to take you home to make sure that the money you’ve accumulated over your lifetime goes to your family and to your charities rather than the IRS would that be worth the time to come in and get a second opinion.

Cynthia de Fazio – 22:06

And welcome back to on the money with secure money. My name is Cynthia De Fazio and I’m joined today by Brian quanta. He is president and founder of secure money advisors as well as joined by Neil major and He is senior investment advisor. Gentlemen, I love this part of the show so much because it’s viewer questions. And we get an opportunity to see what people in the viewing audience are thinking about their calling in and leaving their questions. So if you don’t mind, I’m going to jump right in that. Okay. All right, Neil, this first one is to you. And actually they want to know, Neil, how much money does someone really need to retire? I’m confused by this. What is the process?

Neil Major – 22:40

Yeah, so the process is why I have no idea, right? Every situation is entirely different. You know, some people can retire with very, very little and saving some require a great deal of retirement savings. So the first thing that you want to do and start to identify as well, what do you need on a monthly basis. And you know, it’s kind of hard to do, because people start to write out the gas bill, the electric bill the taxes, but they forget about things like food and, and, you know, insurances and all kinds of different things. So the best way to look at it is just basically, if you know what your net monthly income is, and you use it every month, during your working years, that’s probably what you’re going to want to match in retirement, right? Or you can go back through 12 months of bank records and determine what you’ve spent on average, month over month. Right? Okay, and then we can start to figure out, Okay, do we have enough? Are we going to be able to start to place money in the places to be able to generate the cash flow that you’re gonna need, while also factoring in, you know, some bad things that could potentially happen in the future? Like, increased taxes, inflation, death of a spouse?

Cynthia de Fazio – 23:45

Okay. All right. And y’all thank you so much response. Brian, this is a question for you. It says, What’s your investment philosophy? What do you go by Brian?

Brian Quaranta – 23:55

Yeah, don’t lose money. Okay. Don’t forget that just don’t lose the money. Because really, at the end of the day, you don’t have a whole lot of time to recover and retirement, right, there’s going to be market volatility. But you got to be able to put yourself in a position to where your investments are mostly protected. And they’re designed to generate cash flow. So taking big risks with money in retirement is just not the name of the game, right? It’s all about generating income, protecting as much principle as possible and making sure that that money lasts the rest of your life. And you can do that through you the utilization of a number of different financial vehicles, right? There’s different things that we can do to mitigate that downside risk. And I always say, I don’t care about the upside, meaning if the markets are going up, we’ll be fine. We’ll make money, we’ll make a lot of money, and we’ll be fine. The problem is what happens if the market goes down? My question to people is, what are you doing to protect your downside and our philosophy at secure money advisors, hence, the name of the company is to make sure that the retirement is as secure as possible. And that’s all about making sure that we protect the downside as much as we can.

Cynthia de Fazio – 24:58

Brian, thank you so much. Neil, this is a great question they would like to know, Neil, what is your process for servicing your clients? How will you stay in touch with me?

Neil Major – 25:06

Yeah, I mean, we have a pretty detailed and discipline process for making sure that we stay on top of our clients and making sure that we’re addressing, you know, their concerns that we kind of mapped out for the first few meetings. So we do mandatory yearly reviews, we have a detailed laid out a process and approach for those meetings. You know, things as simple as making sure that your beneficiaries are up to date. Just over the past year, I had a client of mine, she inherited money from her aunt. For total people inherited money from the Anil nieces and nephews. Well, one of the nieces had passed away. And so they wanted to get the money to her two children. And so what happens? Well, because they didn’t know how to solve it, they made a rash decision and liquidated the IRA, which now becomes fully taxable to the to all four of them. So a tiny mistake like that can cause a big headache. Oh, yeah, so our approach has to be very detailed. So that’s how we go about approaching our annual reviews. Now, throughout the year, we’re in contact numerous times via phone calls, via educational videos, that Brian, myself and some of the advisors in the office send out, just so we can educate our clients on what’s currently happening, what you should know about. And maybe this applies to you, maybe it does not, we do a number of client events throughout the year. So we’re very, very active with our clients.

Brian Quaranta – 26:34

I think the one thing our clients really appreciate is the education that we do provide on the TV show on the radio show through the educational events. And, folks, if you haven’t listened to our radio show, or been out to one of our educational events, I encourage you go to our website, you can listen to our radio show there. But you can also find out where our next educational events gonna be. And our clients will always tell us, you know, I love watching you guys on the weekend or listening to you, because I’m always learning something new. And a lot of times it’s through repetition, that people start connecting the dots, because we may be having conversations with them in the conference room. But there’s a lot of information coming at them. And of course, when they step back, and they’re listening to the TV show or the radio show on their own time, they might say, wow, you know, that tax strategy that you talked about, of how to give tax free money to my kids? Boy, that is a great strategy. We need to talk about that. Now. We’ve probably already talked about it, but for the first time it’s clicking in their mind because they’re hearing it for the third fourth fifth time. Yeah,

Cynthia de Fazio – 27:31

absolutely. Well, gentlemen, thank you for another amazing show this week. Yes to the viewers at home. Most specifically. Thank you for spending time with us. That number to call is 888-382-1298. To get on the right track for retirement, all you have to do is pick up the phone and call in today. 888-382-1298 again, be safe, be happy be blessed. We look forward to seeing you back here. One week from today. Take care.